£50 Wampstore gift voucher Giveaway!

Started by Merkeysa, 07 July 2015, 04:59:27 PM

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To celebrate our 6 month running Noobs and their paintbrush we are giving away a £50 gift voucher for the Wampstore and anyone who Enters will get a code for 10% off any purchase at the wampstore.

Head over to


and good luck to everyone who enters!


Things have been going better than we could have imagined! And we are only half way into it, there is still two weeks for people to get themselves into the draw for the £50 Wampstore Gift voucher!

And remember everyone who enters gets a 10% discount code across the whole store.

So Why Wait Enter Know!


We have come to the final week of our Giveaway so Time is running out if you have not entered!

We have had some issues with some entries so if you have entered, please have a look to see if you have an email from us.

But apart from a few teething issues things are going great and if you have not entered why not it's free stuff

So head over and enter now.
