Phalanx 2015

Started by Andy D, 11 June 2015, 07:57:45 AM

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Andy D

Hello folks. Just to let everyone know, we are running the bring and buy this year. So bring your goodies  :). See you on the 20th June.


Welcome Andy D. Are we likely to hear from you again?
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


Welcome, Andy.
Cheers - Phil


This will be a very relaxed Phalanx for me as I am not running a game this year; first time in about five years. I'll be hanging around the LWA stall in my Lance and Longbow polo shirt if anyone wants a chat.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!

Andy D

Hello Leman,
Yes you will. Hoping to post some photos of my 1870 French in the near future.


Looking forward to that as it's one of my favourite periods. Played Mars la Tour twice in the last couple of weeks, have prepared my troops for Spicheren and now working on Bavarians for Froeschwiller.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!

Andy D

Hi Leman, what rules do you use?


Both my recent games were with other players' 15mm and 28mm figures, but using rules I am familiar with: Wargaming C19th Europe and BBB. For my own games I tend to use 6mm figures for BBB and 10mm for everything else, i.e. WNE, Black Powder, Field of Battle 2 and Les Gens Braves. The 10mm figures are used for battalion level games and below, for example I am currently looking at fighting the French left flank at Amiens as a company level game using 10mm figures with 10mm buildings. At battalion level I like to use 10mm figures and 6mm buildings. With the 6mm figures, fighting major actions where a unit can be a full division, I use 3mm scenic items. This is an ongoing project which I fully expect to be spending much of the next two years on. Incidentally, although I no longer use the rules themselves, I have found Bruce Weigle's 1870, 1866 and 1859/64 rules to be a valuable source of material for these periods. I believe there is an 1871 set currently in production.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!

Steve J

QuoteI believe there is an 1871 set currently in production.

They should be on show at Colours this year, assuming Bruce is given a table, which I think is highly likely.

Andy D


Quote from: Andy D on 14 June 2015, 07:01:00 PM
Lehman. BBB?

Bloody Big Battles, by Chris Pringle. They have their own Yahoo group, and Chris is a member of this forum. There is a basic rule book with a number of FPW scenarios, and a scenario book with a load of other scenarios for the Crimean War to the end of the century . Seems to be very popular.

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Chris Pringle


Go for it Andy. There are more free scenarios on the Yahoo site, including some small ones for getting to grips with the rules. I am currently building the terrain for Spicheren, which will become the first battle in the FPW campaign using this system. Currently there are fifteen scenarios available for the FPW from Spicheren to the Lisaine.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!

Andy D

Hi Chris,
I will try to pick up a copy at Phalanx.

Chris Pringle

Hi Andy,

Glad that Leman has piqued your interest! In the UK, BBB is carried by Caliver Books and Irregular Miniatures (maybe others by now but those are the two I know of).
