Automatic hit

Started by madpax, 27 May 2015, 05:03:37 PM

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Just a confirmation. Some spells inflict automatic hits.
During my first game, we decided to remove immediatly morale. But now, I wonder if they should be treated as any other hits, ie, you could use protection normally.
Personnaly, I hope so, otherwise, some spells become very powzerful (that was what decided of our battle, routing almost everything instantly).



Automatic hits are just that, hits.  They are 'automatic' because you apply them to a unit without having to roll any attack dice.

You roll protection to remove automatic hits as normal.
Official Guru of our Warband rules!



During our play (HD -me- vs GO), the drawves were having the upper hand, despite a lower general and a lower shaman too. And low dice roll...
But they prevailed, mainly due to a first strike from berzerkers (spiders then two wolf riders dispatched and harassed by the DAF (dwarf air force)).
But when the fierce warriors hit my troops, the shaman was able to cast a rage, twice in a row, and the trolls hit home at the same moment, dooming my poor army.
It was mainly due to our misunderstanding about automatic hit that the dwarves crumbled so fast.

Not, it will not be so easy for goblins, he he




What was your Dwarven army list please? I'm interested to know. Personally I do not rate the Dwarven mage so have yet to try one.


IIRC, a 1d6 general, 1d6 mage (not really effective in the end), 1 handgunnner, 4 resolute, shieldwall warriors, 1 berzerker and 1 gyro.
