Basing 10s for Dux Bellorum

Started by doctorphalanx, 18 May 2015, 09:00:28 PM

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Better late than never, I'm planning some 10mm armies for Dux Bellorum but haven't yet decided on base sizes. I want to create s dioramic look with each base looking like a (somewhat irregular) battleline.

In order to achieve that effect I  was thinking of 80mm x 40mm, but that would push the minimum table size to 4' x 4' and I'd prefer to keep the game more compact. I'm currently thinking of compromising on 60mm x 40mm, which I'd use for both foot and mounted.

Any thoughts - or second thoughts - from those who have already trodden this path?


I think a lot of people have gone 60x30, but 80x40 would match the basing hot HC and Sword and Spear if you wanted to go down that route
If I were creating Pendraken I wouldn't mess about with Romans and  Mongols  I would have started with Centurions , eight o'clock, Day One!


80mm frontage also fits with Impetus rules, however I base my 10s on 60 frontage for Impetus. My Sassanid cavalry look ok on it.

The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


More than OK - lovely.

I am glad the question has been asked because I am looking for a Dux Bellorum / Impetus basing system also for a small table.


Very nice work!

Are they 40mm deep?


 want to stagger the cavalry and put the infantry in two ranks with extras at the front for Warriors and at the rear for Shieldwall and all in a mob rather than neatly. That's why I'm thinking of 40mm depth for both foot and mounted. But if I go for that depth I might need an 80mm frontage to maintain linearity! I admit to obsessing over the aesthetics, as that is a bit if a driver for this particular project.


I use 6cm x 3cm for my 10mm, good for Impetus and will be using for DuxB soon. My skirmishers are on a 6 x 2cmbase. This all leaves me with plenty of room on a 4x3 foot table.
'If I throw a six I'll do my happy dance'!

2016 Painting Competition - People's Choice!


Quote from: doctorphalanx on 18 May 2015, 09:00:28 PM
I want to create s dioramic look with each base looking like a (somewhat irregular) battleline.

If you're looking for irregular style bases rather than MiniBits square-cut, check out my irregular-edged bases:

I can add other sizes, if you don't find the sizes you want there.
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