Modern Cold War Minis

Started by Mako, 30 December 2014, 08:11:31 AM

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05 January 2015, 06:11:39 PM #15 Last Edit: 05 January 2015, 06:13:26 PM by Mako
I agree with the M203 figure, for later periods in Europe, though if pressed, I can still use the M79 for some years.

What is needed a bit more urgently are Soviet Cold War figures to serve as opponents for the Vietnam era minis currently available, as well as a BMP-1, BTR-60PB, and BRDM-2 for the recon units (tip of the spear, so to speak).

They can be used with the T-54 and T-55 tanks already available, plus the BTR-50, BTR-152, and OT-62 vehicles.

West German panzergrenadiers would be appreciated as well, to go with the M48s and M-113s available now, but I'd love to see the HS-30, Spz Kurz recon vehicle, and eventually an early model Marder IFV too.  For the troops, initially, we can use WWII/Korean-era figs in US helmets, but with G3 rifles, and MG-42/MG3 style machine guns.

I suspect modifying a few existing figures is probably easier than sculpting from scratch.

Those will permit gaming in the 1950s and 1960s+ Cold War eras in Europe.


I'll make a note of this thread for future reference.

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Thank you, Leon.

Almost forgot to add, would love to see at least one prone rifleman, for each of your ranges, e.g. Argentine and British in the Falklands, as well as US Army and VC for Vietnam.  The former would be very useful for Cold War Europe as well, and go nicely with those prone machine gunners you already produce.

That'll eliminate the need for pinned, and/or suppressed markers on the tabletop, since I can just swap out standing/kneeling figures for the prone ones, to represent that.