First Ever Dungeon World Batrep

Started by sixsideddice, 19 August 2010, 09:05:03 PM

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Quote from: Blaker on 20 August 2010, 10:56:16 PM
Nope, your just warped Nik   ;D

Thanks buddy: tell me something I don't know  :D


hmmmm. . . . . well that stumped me  ;)


I completely agree with you Nik.... about the skellies and orcs being together bit. I`m actually a stickler for correct mythos behind dungeon (or fantasy world creation) design.

H-o-w-e-v-e-r    DA-DAAaaaaaa!!!  :D

In this instance, there IS a solid explanation, which will be revealed in the second part of the Batrep lol.


Six :-)


21 August 2010, 02:22:32 PM #18 Last Edit: 21 August 2010, 02:33:52 PM by sixsideddice
Some nice eye-candy too: you're selling yourself short on your previous comments on painting skills etc

Oh My, thanks Nik... actually, I think my painting could be summed up in one sentence - sloppy but adequate  :-\

I notice the paint is starting to come off the sides of the coins I use for bases due to extensive use. I`ll have to touch them all up along with my next batch of ECW Imagi-Nation infantrymen. I don`t really like doing the bases so stark and plain, but they do sort of work for dungeons. If I did my normal green flock finish they`d stand out like sore thumbs in a subterranean environment, and I`m not up to doing them individually with dungeon matching tiles lol.

I just go for an overall appearance on the table that looks kinda cool; and they do me anyway. Martin Hackett inspired me a lot in his fantasy wargaming book, did you ever see/read that one? I think it was a self published thing, but it was a nicely put together hardback, available for a while on Amazon.


Quote from: sixsideddice on 21 August 2010, 11:15:26 AM
In this instance, there IS a solid explanation, which will be revealed in the second part of the Batrep lol.


Six :-)

Ah - excellent  8)

I've not seen Martin Hackett's book - sounds good though...might keep an eye out.


Cool - thanks Six - I'll add it to my wishlist  8)


Would like to say that the first DW Batrep was just an intro really (standard D&D with no real logic or seeming continuity; the next one will be semi-linked but geared towards a real RP session... much longer, advanced, and covering the full scope of the game.


Six :-)


Thanks for the Great Bat Rep, Six.

alot of work's gone into that, and it's appreciated.

Only problem is that you've now set your self such a high standard for you next anticipated release  8)


awww thanks Arabianknight,

Next (complete) Batrep will be done within a fortnight I hope.



Quote from: sixsideddice on 21 August 2010, 09:48:54 PM
here you go....   I don`t like the new reprint cover, but its well worth a read.

Well on that recommendation a copy is now sitting on my desk. A very good 2nd hand copy for an amazon reseller for the princely sum of 1p + £2.74 P&P. Had a quick flick through, looks like a bargain!


15 September 2010, 01:54:00 PM #26 Last Edit: 15 September 2010, 01:56:55 PM by sixsideddice
Well on that recommendation a copy is now sitting on my desk. A very good 2nd hand copy for an amazon reseller for the princely sum of 1p + £2.74 P&P. Had a quick flick through, looks like a bargain!

It`s really not a bad read is it? When ever I am on a train, waiting at an airport... or find myself sitting in the car as my girl goes clothes shopping lol, this is one of the books I bring with me. Like Featherstone`s "Solo Wargaming", doesn`t matter how many times you look through it, you always find something worthwhile to catch your eye and spark the imagnation.

happy reading ^^


PS: incidentally,  last year I found a couple of really great Mageknight Miniatures Handbooks on Amazon for 1 cent each + postage. Like you, I was pretty darn chuffed :-)