wich models to use for generic acw skirmishers?

Started by petercooman, 13 March 2015, 10:48:29 AM

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13 March 2015, 10:48:29 AM Last Edit: 13 March 2015, 11:39:37 AM by petercooman
Just trying to get some opinions from you guys.

I will be using 'severed union' for my acw gaming, and these rules have dedicated skirmisher bases. Now i am wondering wich models i will use for 'generic' skirmishers that can be used to represent regiments in all battles.

For union i was thinking using the berdans sharpshooters as they have good poses for skirmihers, but for the rebs i don't know for sure.

I could just use confederate infantry in firing stance, but i really like the dismounted raider models. Would they be usable? Are their weapons a bit too 'elite' or 'specialized' for regular skirmishers? I think they used mostly the standard firearms so the regular infantry might suit better.

I'm hoping somebody more 'educated' in the period can help me out. I checked my books i have on thesubject and most sources i have state that most skirmishers where (parts) regiments who took to a skirmish formation about 300 yards in front of the main regiments.

All help/opinions are welcome!


Not to be disloyal, but Timecast's 10mm Plank Road range includes codes PR3 and PR7 whch are Union and Confederate firing line, including kneeling firing. I have used some of Timecasts figures with my FPW Pendrakens and they fit perfectly.
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They look nice, but not that too different from the normal foot firing types. I'll have a look around on their ranges though  8)


No more thoughts on this?

Would zouaves be fitting as skirmishers on either side? i read somewhere they where used as light infantry wth a more loose formation.


This isn't my main period - but I think that skirmishers weren't dressed differently from the main infantry regiments.

You probably want to look to more dynamic poses, some kneeling figures etc. Then space them out far more on the bases. These two together should give a skirmisher look.

You could definitely have 1 or 2 special skirmisher units made up of dedicated figures.
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I'm reading into it myself, and any unit could be deployed as skirmisjers so everything seems viable.

I'll just be using line infantry poses for the skirmishers i suppose,  with only 3-4 figures per base instead of my regular  8, that should do the trick!


I'd go for the foot, firing figures.

4 to a base in pairs with the odd rock/ bush/ clump of maize/ rail fence/ dead horse on the base to take cover behind.
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