Photo Request - Boer War Brits

Started by Si Tyler, 16 March 2012, 06:23:33 PM

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Si Tyler

16 March 2012, 06:23:33 PM Last Edit: 16 March 2012, 06:25:58 PM by Si Tyler
Does anyone have any photos of BW5, BW6 and BW41 from the Boer War range for british infantry and BW22 and BW25.

I am looking for figures for my NWF units

Help appreciated as always



I would  also be interested in seeing some photos of these minis  :)

Count Belisarius

Did any pics ever get posted? I want to see the kneeling chaps?


Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!

Count Belisarius

oohh.. those are nice! :)

There seems to be two kneeling figures there. One loading(?) and one firing? The Boer War pack says firing/prone. Are both these figures from that pack (and the prone figure not shown in these pics)? Or are there two kneeling figures from different ranges?



I am not sure, they might be both from the kneeling pack???
The helmet covers are different to the Sudan ones which may or may not matter to you

Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!

Count Belisarius

At 10mm I can live with slightly different helmets! :)

I shall order a pack and see!



Ace of Spades

So sorry to have overlooked this thread!
There is just one kneeling pose; the other pose is indeed prone. I didn't paint them since they don't really fit in my units.
The firing figures I believe you're referring to must be the Highlanders; they have a firing and advancing figure.

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