Aart Brouwer People's Choice Award - Please Vote!

Started by Leon, 05 March 2015, 07:31:27 PM

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Which are your top 3 entries?  Cast your 3 votes now, voting closes at 7pm on Thursday 12th March!

Ironduke's AWI British
8 (9.8%)
Golem's WSS
3 (3.7%)
Streetgang's Romans
11 (13.4%)
Redstef's LoA
2 (2.4%)
WeeWars's 1809 French
7 (8.5%)
paulr's Auckland Rifles
3 (3.7%)
Forez42's WWI Germans
6 (7.3%)
Tonton Flingueur's WWI Brits
4 (4.9%)
scotthabanero's WWII German skiers
4 (4.9%)
trebz's Republican Romans
2 (2.4%)
wurrukatte's Prussian Uhlans
1 (1.2%)
Farles' Late Romans
2 (2.4%)
steam flunky's French cavalry
2 (2.4%)
Redstef's LoA cavalry
7 (8.5%)
maciek's WSS Prussians
2 (2.4%)
WeeWars' Napoleonic cavalry
1 (1.2%)
strangefellow's Rolls-Royce
9 (11%)
Ironduke's Vietnam Zombie chopper
9 (11%)
Tonton Flingueur's Tiger
2 (2.4%)
Fred12df's Holt Tractor
1 (1.2%)
BH62's Panther
1 (1.2%)
marshall1945's M5 tractor
5 (6.1%)
Bodvoc's High Elf Command
1 (1.2%)
Ironduke's Trolls
2 (2.4%)
wurrukatte's High Elves
1 (1.2%)
hetairoi's Night Goblins
13 (15.9%)
steamflunky's Wood Elves
1 (1.2%)
O Dinas Powys' Troll Centaurs
3 (3.7%)
strangefellow's WWI Brit Command
3 (3.7%)
Ironduke's Marlburian artillery
5 (6.1%)
CPTHilt's AWI Command
1 (1.2%)
aksu's ACW ambulance
11 (13.4%)
murat1970's Nap French artillery
1 (1.2%)
Dr Dave's WWI Brit Command
2 (2.4%)
steamflunky's Nap Austrian artillery
1 (1.2%)
mally's AWI guns
1 (1.2%)
Ace of Spades Boer War maxim gun
2 (2.4%)
benmoor's Pak 40
1 (1.2%)
Redstef's LoA artillery
4 (4.9%)
WeeWars Nap Austrians
3 (3.7%)
Guilz's Grande Armee
2 (2.4%)
Hertsblue's Peter the Great army
6 (7.3%)
Ironduke's Dog's of War army
3 (3.7%)
Fenton's ECW pikemen
3 (3.7%)
paulr's WWI German army
10 (12.2%)
fred_12df's Camel train
10 (12.2%)
wurrukatte's High Elf army
1 (1.2%)
Womble67's Gaul army
1 (1.2%)
Maenoferran's Medieval army
2 (2.4%)
mad lemmey's Egyptian army
5 (6.1%)
Redstef's LoA army
13 (15.9%)
fred12_df's Mongol Horde
12 (14.6%)
WeeWars Napoleonic army
10 (12.2%)

Total Members Voted: 82


After all the fun of the main competition, it's now time for the Aart Brouwer People's Choice Award!

Here we take all of the entries who picked up points from the judges, plus some of my favourites as well, and we throw them up in a public vote!  Each member is allowed 3 votes, and the voting will close at 7pm on Thursday 12th March.  So, have a browse through these excellent candidates, and choose your 3 favourites!

The winner will receive £20 worth of goodies from Minibits!  http://www.minibits.net/ plus a Scourge Starter Set from Hawk Wargames!

1. Ironduke's AWI British

2. Golem's WSS

3. Streetgang's Romans

4. Redstef's LoA

5. WeeWars's 1809 French

6. paulr's Auckland Rifles

7. Forez42's WWI Germans

8. Tonton Flingueur's WWI Brits

9. scotthabanero's WWII German skiers

10. trebz's Republican Romans

11. wurrukatte's Prussian Uhlans

12. Farles' Late Romans

13. steam flunky's French cavalry

14. Redstef's LoA cavalry

15. maciek's WSS Prussians

16. WeeWars' Napoleonic cavalry

17. strangefellow's Rolls-Royce

18. Ironduke's Vietnam Zombie chopper

19. Tonton Flingueur's Tiger

20. Fred12df's Holt Tractor

21. BH62's Panther

22. marshall1945's M5 tractor

23. Bodvoc's High Elf Command

24. Ironduke's Trolls

25. wurrukatte's High Elves

26. hetairoi's Night Goblins

27. steamflunky's Wood Elves

28. O Dinas Powys' Troll Centaurs

29. strangefellow's WWI Brit Command

30. Ironduke's Marlburian artillery

31. CPTHilt's AWI Command

32. aksu's ACW ambulance

33. murat1970's Nap French artillery

34. Dr Dave's WWI Brit Command

35. steamflunky's Nap Austrian artillery

36. mally's AWI guns

37. Ace of Spades Boer War maxim gun

38. benmoor's Pak 40

39. Redstef's LoA artillery

40. WeeWars Nap Austrians

41. Guilz's Grande Armee

42. Hertsblue's Peter the Great army

43. Ironduke's Dog's of War army

44. Fenton's ECW pikemen

45. paulr's WWI German army

46. fred_12df's Camel train

47. wurrukatte's High Elf army

48. Womble67's Gaul army

49. Maenoferran's Medieval army

50. mad lemmey's Egyptian army

51. Redstef's LoA army

52. fred12_df's Mongol Horde

53. WeeWars Napoleonic army

www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


What a truly awesome selection !
Like I said in another thread....Your turn to get a headache now !
I'm voting later...My poor little brain still hurts !!

Cheers - Phil.

Duke Speedy of Leighton

That was such a hard choice!

So pleased though, after missing out last year I got an entry! :D 8)
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Hard choice but the sort of "work" that's not too hard to live with  :)
Buy plenty of Matron's sculpts now!

If he keeps using the chainsaw, the value of his work will soon go up.


Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Voted. Took me a good fifteen minutes to think about it though, the standard was so high. Think I've got RSI of my scrolling fingers now. :D
Blog is at

2017 Paint-Off - Winner!


Zoom in zoom out in again votes cast, all for myself Ofcourse, great stuff guys thanks for sharing
2015 Painting Competition - Winner!
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Cast my vote, there is some seriously good stuff in this section too.
'If I throw a six I'll do my happy dance'!

2016 Painting Competition - People's Choice!


05 March 2015, 10:14:31 PM #9 Last Edit: 05 March 2015, 10:16:17 PM by petercooman
Voted for my favourites.

As last year i shall motivate why:

scotthabanero's WWII German skiers:

Really deserved to win for me. I must say, if you look at the 20th century category, as a single base this stands out more than the rest. (i only compare it to one base out of the multibase entries though, as anyone who had prepared for a single base as the requirements state, is somewhat at a disadvantage if others enter more bases)

hetairoi's Night Goblins

Just gorgeous painting, i normally don't like overly bright colours, but contrasted with the black, i like them a lot!

aksu's ACW ambulance

Just a nice diorama base with nice painting, really sets a scene!

AS each year, i just entered because i like entering, and am sure i'll do it again next year :D

Matt J

Quotescotthabanero's WWII German skiers:

Really deserved to win for me. I must say, if you look at the 20th century category, as a single base this stands out more than the rest. (i only compare it to one base out of the multibase entries though, as anyone who had prepared for a single base as the requirements state, is somewhat at a disadvantage if others enter more bases)

Agree with you on this Peter, an excellent piece, however the lighting on the image doesn't do the painting justice.

Hetairoi's goblins are ace and strong work as ever from Weewars, Fred and Paulr.

I like Redstef's work also (has he been reading Kev's painting guide, similar style). Better photography lighting and these would have done some damage.

I could go on really, all pretty damn good!
2012 Painting Competition - Winner!
2014 Painting Competition - 3 x Winner!
2014 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2015 Painting Competition - 2 x Winner!


I wish I had a fourth vote, so I could also show my admiration for the camel train.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Quote from: petercooman on 05 March 2015, 10:14:31 PM
Voted for my favourites.

As last year i shall motivate why:

scotthabanero's WWII German skiers:

Really deserved to win for me. I must say, if you look at the 20th century category, as a single base this stands out more than the rest. (i only compare it to one base out of the multibase entries though, as anyone who had prepared for a single base as the requirements state, is somewhat at a disadvantage if others enter more bases)

hetairoi's Night Goblins

Just gorgeous painting, i normally don't like overly bright colours, but contrasted with the black, i like them a lot!

aksu's ACW ambulance

Just a nice diorama base with nice painting, really sets a scene!

AS each year, i just entered because i like entering, and am sure i'll do it again next year :D

aaaah, thanks :)
tbh, i left it too late to order my stuff, only had a few hours to paint and put most effort into an ft17 tank. these are a basic wash and drybrush with picked details and an 'action base', plus i should've got the lightbox out rather than the darkbox as my flash was off. on a good painty day i've made the final cut in golden demon a couple of times - this wasn't a good painty day, but thank you again :)
still, i had a blast with my first foray into 10mm, met a whole bunch of new folks so it's all good  :-bd :-bd :-bd


oh,forgot to say, i went with camel train, zombie chopper and egyptians :)


06 March 2015, 02:32:40 AM #14 Last Edit: 06 March 2015, 02:38:28 AM by paulr
Quote from: Matt of Munslow on 05 March 2015, 11:35:59 PM
Hetairoi's ... and strong work as ever from Weewars, Fred and Paulr.
... Redstef's ...

Proud to be mentioned in such illustrious company  :-[ ;)
Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!