Lone Star Historical Miniatures

Started by Blaker, 11 August 2010, 02:36:03 AM

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Howdy Yall,

The Lone Star Historical Miniatures (LSHM) has several gaming clubs spread across Texas.  So if any of you have a trip for pleasure or business that takes you to Texas, look us up and we will be happy to throw down some minis with you across the gaming table.  Yes I know that Texas is just a bit larger than 3 times the area of the UK but we do have gaming clubs all around so we should be able to find you a game  ;D

LSHM holds its annual convention (show) in November in Austin. LSHM also helps sponsor several of the smaller Cons around the state. 

It has been a slow process getting the 10mm market established here but I have seen great improvements  8)

I also run the Wargamer's Academy in San Antonio Texas. Sooo be sure to drop me a line when you are in town!!
