Diving into 10mm head first: project log

Started by BeardedHammer, 04 February 2015, 08:05:13 PM

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Welcome,  as others have said good looking start on the terrain :-bd =D> :-bd

Is it the picture or are the trees meant to be blue :-/

I have used blue, green and brown washes covered with multiple coats of gloss varnish for streams in the past, add some highlights after a few coats but still well before the last coat of varnish

I'm sure others will have suggestions as well
Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
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Thank you, and it must be the picture because they're brown plastic. And I am going to try using modge podge gloss for water. If it comes out well its a very cheap alternative, and I found some at Walmart after reading a couple articles on it. The stuff I'm using now is vallejo still water and I'm pretty happy with it but there is room for improvement.


Great looking terrain board, looking forward to seeing your progress with this project.



Quote from: BeardedHammer on 04 February 2015, 09:39:11 PM
Do any of you have a good idea for water effects? I want a static look and something I can just poor and let dry but not a fan of using a 20usd bottle of water effects in one go.

For still water you could try yacht-varnish. You have to build it up in successive coats if you want it to look deep. Don't forget to paint the bed of the stream/lake/whatever first.
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.



I have used successive layers of acrylic gloss varnish, mainly because the drying time is much faster and I'm an impatient bu**er.

By the way the only difference between ordinary varnish and yacht varnish is that the latter has the ability to flex slightly when it sets, otherwise it is no stronger or tougher than ordinary varnish.
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I got the board painted last night. Here is a pic of what I have so far.

I'm working this morning but tonight I'd like to have all but the river finished


Looking good. Nice little bridge and the foliated trees already add a bit of colour.
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Hi, Chris. Looking forward to the next step.  :)
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.


Quote from: BeardedHammer on 04 February 2015, 08:05:13 PM
I'm going to get some thicker glue to do all the tree foliage because white glue doesn't hold well til its dry.


Step 8 and 9 of this method recommends you use hairspray (of the maximum hold, unperfumed variety) and what-is a watered-down PVA solution sprayed on.


Cheers, Michael
← click my website button to go to Michael's 10mm 1809 BLOG and WW1 Blog


2014 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2015 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


 :-bd =D> :-bd

Trees certainly don't look blue in that pic  :)
Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


I have the grass drying on the board at the moment. I'll post pics once the mess is cleaned up and have the trees finished.

I have to say that this is the most friendly and interactive forum I've been on. Thank you for the comments and encouragement! Already feeling right at home  :)