Rules Q&A

Started by Chieftain, 01 February 2015, 10:13:01 PM

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Quote from: fred    12df on 06 July 2015, 06:04:46 PM
Behind Defences

When do you get this defensive advantage? When this is doubled for Forest Walkers it is very powerful.

The rule is clear that at least half-the unit must be within the terrain.

But do you get it in all the following situations

1) Target of Shooting
2) Charged by the enemy
3) When you charge (if you remain in the wood)
4) In subsequent rounds of combat

We played that the unit gets the bonus on 1 and 2. But I do wonder if the intent is also on 3 and 4?. But on 3 and 4 its likely that both combatants get the bonus.

1) Target of Shooting  Yes

2) Charged by the enemy  Yes

3) When you charge (if you remain in the wood)  Yes

4) In subsequent rounds of combat  Yes

And yes, it can apply to two opposing units fighting in melee (or shooting at each other) in the same terrain.
Official Guru of our Warband rules!


Thanks. This makes Forest Walkers in woods very tough.
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Quote from: Chieftain on 01 February 2015, 10:13:01 PM
Ask your rules questions here!   :-B

If you're finding a rule or situation problematic, this is the thread for you!  Ask your rules questions, or pose any problems you've encountered through play here.

The Warband oracle will provide clarifications and explanations over rules that might be confusing you.

Following a game of Wb we had two situations re shooting arise on which I would like your view. 1. An Elven archer unit was shooting from completely within a wood but less than 1 BW from its edge. Can the unit shoot out?
2. An Elven unit was shooting at a unit to its front, the line of site passed through two separate pieces of terrain, both of which did not add up to 1BW. We, I assumed I could still shoot as it was not more than 1BW. Is this correct?
Thanks Rox


Quote from: Rox1. An Elven archer unit was shooting from completely within a wood but less than 1 BW from its edge. Can the unit shoot out?

Yes, provided there is no more than 1BW of terrain being shot through.

Quote from: Rox2. An Elven unit was shooting at a unit to its front, the line of site passed through two separate pieces of terrain, both of which did not add up to 1BW. We, I assumed I could still shoot as it was not more than 1BW. Is this correct?

Yes, this is correct.

Official Guru of our Warband rules!


Quote from: Chieftain on 12 July 2015, 03:09:22 PM
Yes, provided there is no more than 1BW of terrain being shot through.

Yes, this is correct.

As I thought, thanks


A couple of questions from last night's game...

We had Mike's new Taurian army vs my Dwarves.... More on that in the report but in the meantime:

Must evaders move their full distance? We assumed no but the  player needs to consider the charger may get extra motivation dice.

Can an evader use Parting Shoot? We assumed no as an evade states no further movement is allowed.

Must you follow through a charge move once declared? We determined  yes as it would be odd otherwise.  So I charge, he evades but only a short distance (assume blocked etc...). I motivate and can reach , do I have to?

Related to the previous question - Do you have to roll all your normal motivation dice? We had a few times where it was in my interest to scatter Mike's centaur archers but not get too close or even hit then and get isolated.

Still loving the game :)


Quote from: stenicplus on 14 July 2015, 10:40:25 AM
Still loving the game :)

Only coz your smelly Dwarves keep winning :p


QuoteMust evaders move their full distance? We assumed no but the  player needs to consider the charger may get extra motivation dice.

No.  The evade move is a basic or restricted move and can be made under those conditions.

QuoteCan an evader use Parting Shoot? We assumed no as an evade states no further movement is allowed.

No it cannot.  The parting shot is a restricted move at the beginning of the shooting phase, and is therefore denied by the evade condition of 'no further move'.  This should say 'no further motivated move' as of course outcome moves are still possible.

QuoteMust you follow through a charge move once declared? We determined  yes as it would be odd otherwise.  So I charge, he evades but only a short distance (assume blocked etc...). I motivate and can reach , do I have to?

No.  As detailed under the charge movement rules, you can turn a charge into a basic or restricted move.

QuoteRelated to the previous question - Do you have to roll all your normal motivation dice? We had a few times where it was in my interest to scatter Mike's centaur archers but not get too close or even hit then and get isolated.

Yes, if you choose to move a unit you must roll all the Motivation dice you have available (including those added by CP).  However, as detailed under Motivation, you can change your mind over the type of move.  So you can declare a charge move, roll the dice, and then decide to make a basic move.

Note, you can choose not to move a unit (so prompt your unit to make an impetuous move).

QuoteStill loving the game

Official Guru of our Warband rules!


Quote from: Chieftain on 14 July 2015, 01:21:59 PM
Yes, if you choose to move a unit you must roll all the Motivation dice you have available (including those added by CP).  However, as detailed under Motivation, you can change your mind over the type of move.  So you can declare a charge move, roll the dice, and then decide to make a basic move.

Does this mean that the player has to decide before the motivation roll how many CP to add to it? We've been playing that you can add CP before or after the 'normal' roll

Andy D

Hi ,
In the Lizard men's magic spells, does the 'Call the Scorpion' spell give the unit the abilities of Forest Scorpions ?


14 July 2015, 03:21:49 PM #115 Last Edit: 14 July 2015, 03:23:51 PM by Chieftain
Quote from: Kiwidave on 14 July 2015, 02:12:27 PM
Does this mean that the player has to decide before the motivation roll how many CP to add to it? We've been playing that you can add CP before or after the 'normal' roll

You can add them before and/or after the dice roll.

Quote from: Andy DIn the Lizard men's magic spells, does the 'Call the Scorpion' spell give the unit the abilities of Forest Scorpions ?

No.  It gives the powerful special ability.
Official Guru of our Warband rules!


Quote from: Kiwidave on 14 July 2015, 02:12:27 PM
Does this mean that the player has to decide before the motivation roll how many CP to add to it? We've been playing that you can add CP before or after the 'normal' roll

If you choose to role you generals die to move all attached units. Is it possible to boost the number of die he is going to role for Mo with a movement spell thus upping you chance of maximising his natural Movement distance, in other words Mage casts movement spell giving him extra die and he roles three instead of two, result two successes, (general roles two die without extras normally). If so can he use a third success for all his attached troops or only himself.


Quote from: Roxxy on 20 July 2015, 07:36:22 AM
If you choose to role you generals die to move all attached units. Is it possible to boost the number of die he is going to role for Mo with a movement spell thus upping you chance of maximising his natural Movement distance, in other words Mage casts movement spell giving him extra die and he roles three instead of two, result two successes, (general roles two die without extras normally). If so can he use a third success for all his attached troops or only himself.

I wonder if this would mean anything put through the Google translator....
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Quote from: FierceKitty on 20 July 2015, 09:02:47 AM
I wonder if this would mean anything put through the Google translator....

? Sorry have I not made myself clear?😕

Duke Speedy of Leighton

I got it, I was just waiting for Chieftain to answer. ;)
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
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