Rules Q&A

Started by Chieftain, 01 February 2015, 10:13:01 PM

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Quote from: Techno on 21 April 2015, 11:48:21 AM
As that was your first post, Roxxy.......
A very warm welcome to the forum.
Cheers - Phil

Thanks enjoying the rules so far. relatively simple but stuff to think about....nice


Just been reminded about some more questions:

1) Is the Hero ability cumulative? e.g. An elven unit has a Hero; mage casts Blinding Glory (?) which gives all units within 4BW the Hero ability. Does the unit with an actual Hero get another CP for this turn?

2) Is Protection cumulative in the same way - e.g. cast the elven spell twice which gives +1d6 protection (and Resolute)?

3) Can a general's CP be increased beyond his maximum via magic?


Quote from: Kiwidave on 21 April 2015, 02:20:21 PM
Just been reminded about some more questions:

1) Is the Hero ability cumulative? e.g. An elven unit has a Hero; mage casts Blinding Glory (?) which gives all units within 4BW the Hero ability. Does the unit with an actual Hero get another CP for this turn?

In all cases, a unit benefits from a special ability once only.  Additional applications of that special ability have no further effect.  So in this case a unit with Hero, ignores the second Hero .

Quote2) Is Protection cumulative in the same way - e.g. cast the elven spell twice which gives +1d6 protection (and Resolute)?

Modifiers to abilities are always cumulative.  Plusses added before minuses are removed.

So if a unit if affected by a spell and gains +1d6 Protection and the Resolute special ability, and then is affected by a second casting of that spell, it would then have +2d6 and Resolute.

Quote3) Can a general's CP be increased beyond his maximum via magic?

Official Guru of our Warband rules!



22 April 2015, 12:51:26 PM #80 Last Edit: 22 April 2015, 12:57:22 PM by Roxxy

One more question. Is the pursuing unit restricted by limiting terrain it passes through, or is in, as per normal moves? example a knight unit pushes back a bow unit on a hill. the bow moves 1BW the knight follows up 1BW. Is the follow up distance halved because of the hill effect? so no new contact is made.


Hi Roxxy,

Quote from: Roxxy on 22 April 2015, 12:51:26 PM
Is the pursuing unit restricted by limiting terrain it passes through, or is in, as per normal moves?

Yes it is.

Quoteexample a knight unit pushes back a bow unit on a hill. the bow moves 1BW the knight follows up 1BW. Is the follow up distance halved because of the hill effect? so no new contact is made.

There is no 'follow up distance', there is a pursuit move, which is basically a melee charge move.

In your example:

1.  The bow unit falls back - it moves 1BW directly backwards onto the hill.  It treats this hill as open terrain (not limited) due to the fall back move.

2.  The knights may now make a pursuit move.  This is a melee charge move, made as if it had succeeded with all of its Motivation dice.  All usual melee charge rules apply.  So in this case, the knights move 4BW (2 successes times 2 move), halved to 2BW due to the limiting terrain (hill).  This will be enough to contact the archers, even up the hill.
Official Guru of our Warband rules!



Still working on my first army, but I have a few questions/clarifications from reading the rules through a time or two.

First, I am correct in taking it that if a commander is reduced to 0 morale in the protection and morale phase, but has three CP left, then (assuming there are no enemy within 1BW at this point) he can still rally back 1 morale on himself before he routs?

Second, on group moves. It says that all units in the group move as if they succeeded in their motivation roll to the same degree as the commander does. Does this still apply if the commander achieves more successes than a unit's MV score?

Three, the samurai ape spell 'beneath the mountain's egg' stops enemy units from moving. The taurian spell 'walk the forever maze' allows friendly units to make unlimited moves. Which takes priority? I'm guessing the latter as the former specifies no motivated moves, among other things, whereas the latter allows the designated units to make their unlimited moves without any motivation roll, but is that correct?

Four, most of the spells specify an immediate effect or a duration, but the clause for the first option in the undead spell 'summon the fresh dead' simply says '...gain +1D6 Protection and the regenerate special ability;...' Should it add 'for the current turn' or is it really for the rest of the battle?  :o



Hi Jim,

Quote from: JimLeCat on 26 April 2015, 12:25:57 PM
Still working on my first army,

Can't wait to see it sir!

Quotebut I have a few questions/clarifications from reading the rules through a time or two.

First, I am correct in taking it that if a commander is reduced to 0 morale in the protection and morale phase, but has three CP left, then (assuming there are no enemy within 1BW at this point) he can still rally back 1 morale on himself before he routs?

Yes you are correct.

QuoteSecond, on group moves. It says that all units in the group move as if they succeeded in their motivation roll to the same degree as the commander does. Does this still apply if the commander achieves more successes than a unit's MV score?

Do you mean motivation rather than move (MV)?

If so, yes. 
You make a group move, all units in the group multiply their movement by the commander units motivation successess.  This can mean that a unit can gain more successes from the commander than they otherwise would.  It also means that units with a motivation ability greater than the commander unit will lose out on the dice roll.

E.g. a hill dwarf commander (MT 2d6), unit of boulder elementals (MT 1d6), and gyrocopter unit (MT 3d6) move as a group and the commander rolls 2 successes.  the boulder elements will move further than they normally could, whereas the gyrocopter will move slower than it potentially could.

QuoteThree, the samurai ape spell 'beneath the mountain's egg' stops enemy units from moving. The taurian spell 'walk the forever maze' allows friendly units to make unlimited moves. Which takes priority? I'm guessing the latter as the former specifies no motivated moves, among other things, whereas the latter allows the designated units to make their unlimited moves without any motivation roll, but is that correct?

Beneath the Mountain's Egg prevents all motivated moves.  Walk the Forever Maze gives a free and unlimited motivated move.  In this case, Beneath the Mountain's Egg, would prevent the motivated move granted by Walk the Forever Maze (but not the other benefits of that spell).

QuoteFour, most of the spells specify an immediate effect or a duration, but the clause for the first option in the undead spell 'summon the fresh dead' simply says '...gain +1D6 Protection and the regenerate special ability;...' Should it add 'for the current turn' or is it really for the rest of the battle?  :o

Yes, it should be 'until the end of the turn', like all spell efects.  Its an error that slipped through the net.   >:(  Already spotted and in the errata.   ;),11473.0.html

Official Guru of our Warband rules!


Hi Chieftain,

Doubtless you will, when it's ready!

Thanks for the answers, I did mean motivation not move, I misrembered the short name when typing...  :(

I did read the errata thread a little while ago, either it hadn't been added then or I just forgot - and either way it didn't occur to me to check it before posting!  :(

The rules read very well and seem very clear to me. I wouldn't worry about having a few minor errors like that - there is always something gets through and if the few bits and pieces in that thread are all that slipped through, then you did a very good job!  8)



Quick couple of questions from last night's game - Report and pictures due in a day or two. (I know, tease  ;D)

Can Flying bases gain uphill? We assumed flying does not confer uphill, but it the enemy are below hill of the flying units...?

If you pursue, can you still claim Shieldwall? We assumed not since the rules clearly indicate a pursuit into contact is a charge move, the troops losing the benefit of massed shields as they chase off the enemy... Hastings anyone?




28 April 2015, 10:18:04 PM #86 Last Edit: 28 April 2015, 10:29:52 PM by Chieftain
Hi Steve,

Quote from: stenicplus on 28 April 2015, 09:50:21 PM
Can Flying bases gain uphill? We assumed flying does not confer uphill, but it the enemy are below hill of the flying units...?

Yes they can.  Flyers in melee are assumed to have descended to the ground to engage in the fight and therefore get the bonus.

QuoteIf you pursue, can you still claim Shieldwall? We assumed not since the rules clearly indicate a pursuit into contact is a charge move, the troops losing the benefit of massed shields as they chase off the enemy... Hastings anyone?

This one suffers from perhaps a lack of clarity around the wording in the shieldwall special ability (i'll add it to the errata).  It should say:

'A shieldwall unit;
•   Gains +1d6 Protection if it did not make a motivated move: basic, restricted, or charge move this turn...'

A pursuit move is an outcome move, therefore although it is conducted as a melee charge move after the protection and morale phase it does not prevent the shieldwall special ability taking effect.

So to answer your question; a unit can claim its shieldwall protection (provided that it did not take a motivated move this turn) and then make a outcome move: pursuit.

Note: As a general point, there are some other references to 'basic, restricted, or charge moves' throughout the rules.  These apply to motivated moves also.
Official Guru of our Warband rules!


That makes Dwarves even tougher to kill!  :'(  :)


Quote from: Kiwidave on 29 April 2015, 07:22:20 AM
That makes Dwarves even tougher to kill!  :'(  :)

True but judging by the battle reports so far, the little chaps need all the help they can get!   ;D

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On the subject of flyers blocking fallbacks/routs, if they don't contact any ground units in their normal move, do they need to declare that they are landing behind the enemy battle line, or can you just take for granted that they will swoop down if an enemy falls back/routs toward them?

Also, why do samurai apes get resolute for free when every eligible unit from other army lists has to pay 5 points?
