Rules Q&A

Started by Chieftain, 01 February 2015, 10:13:01 PM

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Hi JimLeCat,

Quote from: JimLeCat on 05 May 2015, 10:45:25 PM
On the subject of flyers blocking fallbacks/routs, if they don't contact any ground units in their normal move, do they need to declare that they are landing behind the enemy battle line, or can you just take for granted that they will swoop down if an enemy falls back/routs toward them?

Good question.  I'll try to be as clear as i can.

Flyers blocking fall back moves

'A fall back move is blocked if any of the following conditions apply.  The unit;
1. Is contacted on two different base edges,
2. Is contacted on both a front corner and a rear corner,
3. Cannot complete a full 1BW move (e.g. it is prevented by friends, enemies, a table edge or impassable terrain),  or
4. Cannot move far enough to end out of contact with all enemy units (including corner contact).' p23

So...if a flyer unit contributes to point 1. or point 2. it will block the fall back.

However, 'Flyers: Can interpenetrate and be interpenetrated by enemy non-flying units, as part of any move.' p10  
Note that to begin an interpenetration you must be able to pass completely through.

So for points 3. and 4., the unit falling back 1BW can interpenetrate a flyers unit (unless it is itself a flyer).  
Depending on the relative unit positions, its therefore possible (although unlikely) to be able to fall back through an enemy flyers unit.  
Since a fall back move is a fixed 1BW, it should be easy to position flyers to be able to prevent the full interpenetration (and therefore block the fall back).

Flyers blocking rout moves

For the rout move, a non-flying unit can interpenetrate a flying unit (running under it!) provided it is able to pass completely through.
Of course, flyers can still destroy routing units by moving into contact with it as part of any move.

Also, why do samurai apes get resolute for free when every eligible unit from other army lists has to pay 5 points?

They dont.  Resolute costs +5pts in each case.

I'll add it to the errata.
Official Guru of our Warband rules!


OK, so in summary airborne flyers don't stop units passing wholly underneath them, but will block any unit which would otherwise stop underneath them?


For the movement conditions, yes.   :)
Official Guru of our Warband rules!



I have another couple of questions, this time on Shieldwall.

According to the rules Shieldwall gives a protection bonus to units that don't make a motivated move and which aren't in melee contact with enemy to their flank or rear.

First question, does that mean they still get the protection if shot at from the flank or rear?

Second question, if a Formed unit with Shieldwall turns to face an attacking enemy to its flank or rear, do they keep the Shieldwall bonus? After the answer above, I'm guessing yes, but I thought it best to check...



10 May 2015, 03:23:40 PM #94 Last Edit: 10 May 2015, 03:26:31 PM by Chieftain
Quote from: JimLeCat on 10 May 2015, 03:18:09 PM
According to the rules Shieldwall gives a protection bonus to units that don't make a motivated move and which aren't in melee contact with enemy to their flank or rear.

First question, does that mean they still get the protection if shot at from the flank or rear?


Shieldwall is a 'defensive position' or the unit taking measures to protect themselves.  It encompasses and actual shield wall defense, pavises, and other defensive measures (as detailed in the Shieldwall special ability description.

QuoteSecond question, if a Formed unit with Shieldwall turns to face an attacking enemy to its flank or rear, do they keep the Shieldwall bonus? After the answer above, I'm guessing yes, but I thought it best to check...


The unit is reacting in this case to an enemy attack, and is therefore maintaining its defensive posture.
Official Guru of our Warband rules!


Skirmish query from Madpax:

It seems theis topic didn't appear here, so I'm sorry if this had been discussed before, but how do you resolve the following problems:
A skirmish unit, which didn't moved this turn, is charged. It decides to evade and succeeds. I suppose it can evade away from the charging unit, but could it, instead, 'counter-charge', in essence cancelling the enemy charge?


Hi Marc,

An evade move is a basic or restricted move, not a melee charge move.  Therefore you cannot 'countercharge'.


Official Guru of our Warband rules!


Official Guru of our Warband rules!


Official Guru of our Warband rules!


Official Guru of our Warband rules!


Thanks for your patience on my stoopid questions.  ;)

BTW, I know it could cost you some work time, but is it possible to regroup all Q&A on the first message to avoid us to look at all the pages here (I did it on another forum and it was handy for people)?



28 May 2015, 05:38:19 PM #100 Last Edit: 28 May 2015, 05:39:52 PM by Chieftain
Your questions aren't 'stoopid'!   :D

I'll see what i can do about making the Q&A more user friendly.
Official Guru of our Warband rules!


"Powerful" ability, is the unit Powerful or just its primary attack?

Ie, does artillery count as powerful when in melee? Is a dragon's breath powerful in shooting?

My read is yes, it applies to the unit, but the question has come up so for the avoidance of doubt..?

Also, flying units being unable to count as "attacking" a flank\rear... Does that apply to shooting attacks too? I read that it does but it would semm to make flying poor value?


Quote from: stenicplus on 16 June 2015, 09:23:49 AM
"Powerful" ability, is the unit Powerful or just its primary attack?

Powerful applies to any attack the unit makes, shooting or melee.

Also, flying units being unable to count as "attacking" a flank\rear... Does that apply to shooting attacks too? I read that it does but it would semm to make flying poor value?

Yes.  Flyers never get flank bonuses for shooting or melee.
Official Guru of our Warband rules!


Thanks for the quick response  :)


Behind Defences

When do you get this defensive advantage? When this is doubled for Forest Walkers it is very powerful.

The rule is clear that at least half-the unit must be within the terrain.

But do you get it in all the following situations

1) Target of Shooting
2) Charged by the enemy
3) When you charge (if you remain in the wood)
4) In subsequent rounds of combat

We played that the unit gets the bonus on 1 and 2. But I do wonder if the intent is also on 3 and 4?. But on 3 and 4 its likely that both combatants get the bonus.
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