What ruleset did you use in your last game - 2015?

Started by jchaos79, 24 January 2015, 08:13:25 PM

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1) Epic Armageddon
2) Space Marines vs Tyranids
3) Yes
4) Nope, been playing for many years now
5) Two
my hobby/painting blog: full of 6mm goodness coming soon, 10mm goodness too!

Home of Epic: Armageddon on the web! It's still very much alive!

my tale of epic gamers 2013 log, contains lots of yellow marines :)

Duke Speedy of Leighton

1) What ruleset do you use in your last game? - FogR
2) What armies were confronted? - Me with club Parliamentary vs Don 'The Don' Avis's shot heavy Royalist.
3) Did you feel comfortable with the ruleset? - Much more
4) and... was the first time do you use the ruleset? - 6Th game, this time against one of the best players around.
5) How many players were in the game? - Two point 1 (a friend was laughing at us).

Don is a real gent and gave me a great learning game last night.
I lost a general to the first turn of combat, but killed two of his superior Cavalier units. He then blew away my line, which was severely hampered by bad terrain right in my deployment area and hinterland!
My generals were hopeless! I think they passed one roll between them all night!
Otherwise, a cracking game, if my dice had stayed on board, it could have been much more profitable! ;)
I lost 14-4 in the end!
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


1) What ruleset do you use in your last game? - Bolt Action WW2
2) What armies were confronted? - Winter '44 Yanks versus fairly generic late war Germans
3) Did you feel comfortable with the ruleset? - Mostly, it's been a while since I played and it was the first time for the German player so whilst it's simple and easily picked up we stumbled a few times!
4) and... was the first time do you use the ruleset? - See above!
5) How many players were in the game? - Two

The Yanks were four small-ish infantry squads, a platoon commander and FAC each with an extra bloke & SMGs and a medium mortar, the Germans were three eight man rifle squads, a Pak 50, light mortar, MG42 team and light mortar. Mission ended up with the Germans holding three objectives around a snowy cross roads and the Yanks trying to wrest it off them. Started well for the Yanks with their preparatory bombardment and FAC pinning several teams and wiping out the ATG, whilst the rifle squads closed on the right most objective in a small farm.

The Germans shook off their pins there though, and made it into the farm buildings and hunkered down, their reinforcements started moving towards it as well (coincidentally covering the middle objective on a hill overlooking the crossroads itself) and the USAAF showed its true colours by strafing one of my rifle squads into so many pins they just settled down to cower for the rest of the game!

I winkled the Germans out (helped by a blunder that sent their reinforcements scuttling back out of sight), then turned to move on the middle objective but between the USAAF and the remaining German rifle squad I was forced to launch my left flank at the third objective, which I was hoping just to screen off! The mortar did sterling work finishing off the MMG team, whilst the sole rifle squad on that flank closed up nicely to the objective accompanied by the now sans more call ins FAC, only to be nearly felled by the German light mortar who dropped a series of 50mm rounds right onto them, and the German platoon commander then raced up from the woods behind to contest it; there was a very nasty exchange of fire at close range that lost me my FAC & his radio op and half the rifle team but saw the German commander go down to a hail of Springfield rounds just at the close of play!

All in all, very enjoyable with lots of swings and roundabouts. I know Bolt Action isn't everyone's cup of tea but that actually felt quite nicely "in character" AND played quickly AND was fun. We use 15mm figures and normally play in inches, but as I was late and didn't bag a deep enough table we used cm's. Worked ok, but I reckon inches feel better!
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll - www.facebook.com/jtppainting


Quote from: kyussinchains on 17 April 2015, 04:55:11 PM
1) Epic Armageddon
2) Space Marines vs Tyranids
3) Yes
4) Nope, been playing for many years now
5) Two

How did the marines fare?  Played Tyranids a few times and they were horrible.
Buy plenty of Matron's sculpts now!

If he keeps using the chainsaw, the value of his work will soon go up.


1. Bloody Big Battles

2. Battle of Gettysburg - Union v. Confederate

3. Pretty easy to grasp.

4. Second time out.

5. Three each side.
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.



Science Versus Pluck
Ansar v Anglo Egyptian
A little tricky to locate everything
First time out (hence the little tricky bit)
3 British v the umpire

Some Good roleplaying by the cavalry commander.. rash and tactically inept... he charged... enough said really  :o
The CinC was a little unsure as to what he was doing so he allowed the cavalry to work on their own and the other flank to over extend.....
They are definately worth another go
Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!


Quote from: Hertsblue on 20 April 2015, 10:39:41 AM
1. Bloody Big Battles

2. Battle of Gettysburg - Union v. Confederate

3. Pretty easy to grasp.

4. Second time out.

5. Three each side.

Was that the entire three day battle, and if so how long did it take, was it quick to play, and was it fun? And did it produce a result that felt right...
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll - www.facebook.com/jtppainting


1) What ruleset do you use in your last game? - Twilight of the Sun King Supplement
2) What armies were confronted? - refight of the battle of Narva 1700 - Swedes vs Russians
3) Did you feel comfortable with the ruleset? - Yes
4) and... was the first time do you use the ruleset?  First game for the players and they picked it up no problem
5) How many players were in the game? - Two and umpire

A refight of the 1st big battle of the GNW with the Swedes outnumbered about 4 to 1. So I was a little worried about the game balance and especially with players who hadn't played before. But the system worked well and the game was fairly balanced. The situation of the battle probably favours the outnumbered Swedes and but it is still a good battle. The Swedes won but this was because of mistakes made by the Russian player and a bit of luck.


20 April 2015, 02:10:34 PM #113 Last Edit: 20 April 2015, 02:15:03 PM by FierceKitty
Quote from: Hwiccee on 20 April 2015, 12:26:19 PM
1) What ruleset did you use in your last game? - Blood and Borscht and Ten More Sons.
2) What armies were involved? - campaign - Swedes vs Russians were the only actual battle forces in the first year: Battle of Novgorod; Russian imperial regulars badly mauled.
3) Did you feel comfortable with the ruleset? - Yes
4) Was this  the first time you used the ruleset? No,the players have all used the battle rules before. First trial of the campaign rules, but consensus is they are very easy to follow.
5) How many players were in the game? - Five.
6) Do you think cats are the master-race of the vertebrates? - Yes, certainly.

Three cities changed hands in addition to the battle, but were rolled on results tables; sieges would add an impossible strain to gaming the war. Two of the cities were destroyed by the victorious armies (Cossacks and Swedes respectively).
Came home today to find Krisanan proudly putting finishing touches to a computer map-display of the first three seasons of campaigning, showing the depressing contraction of the Ottoman frontier.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Much the same as last week -

1) What ruleset do you use in your last game? - Bolt Action WW2
2) What armies were confronted? - Winter '44 Yanks versus fairly generic late war Germans
3) Did you feel comfortable with the ruleset? - Mostly, it's been a while since I played and it was the first time for the German player so whilst it's simple and easily picked up we stumbled a few times! Mich less so this time round though - even at a rush and with only the one game recently we were much quicker and less faffy and forgetful.
4) and... was the first time do you use the ruleset? - See above!
5) How many players were in the game? - Two

I threw a squad forwards supported by more to the flanks, occupying some handy buildings and fence lines in the centre of the table, Platoon Commander and FAC and mortar spotter centrally located to support them all. Ant tried to envelop me with a squad either side (one supported by his Platoon Commander SMG group), using his MMG team, light mortar, Pak50 and third squad to provide a base of fire.

Unfortunately for him I'd got good positioning going on with excellent mutually supporting lines of fire and decent cover. My FAC crippled his MG42 team with his first strike, the left flank squad popped out the woods into a well placed ambush and got gunned down to a man, whilst the right hand squad plus PC got badly shot up and the PC team gunned down in a last minute charge by my own commander!

It wasn't all roses however - his light mortar spannered my lead squad, ranging straight in on the building they'd occupied and knocking a couple of men off at a time, the PC and right flank spread a few more casualties around, but my FAC was man of the match for the Germans (again, twice in a row!); his second call in brought some top quality fighter rocket jockeys right on his own head, and also suppressed pretty much my entire force for a turn.

We had to call time as I was massively late arriving (due to toddler suddenly needing a shower type incident post tea, along with a vets trip and boiler fixing - it was an expensive day, and a very long winded one yesterday!), ending up in a technical draw. I suspect the last bound wouldn't have seen the German PC finished off and right flank so hammered, as both of us took a few extra risks when it was clear we didn't have more time but I think the German casualties would have given me the game in couple of turns as the loss of his left flank and pinned down centre meant I could free up the two left-centre squads to crack him like a nut...

Again, a pretty good game - looks and plays much better in 15mm than 28mm, and whilst not exactly a rivet counting simulation it does feel like you're in a desperate Band of Brothers sort of situation where there's bullets everywhere and everyone's running around and you never quite manage to do what you wanted with everyone etc etc.
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll - www.facebook.com/jtppainting


1) What ruleset do you use in your last game? - Twilight of the Sun King Supplement
2) What armies were confronted? - refight of the battle of Fraustadt (Swedes vs Saxons and Russians), 1706
3) Did you feel comfortable with the ruleset? - Yes
4) and... was the first time do you use the ruleset? - No
5) How many players were in the game? - Two

We ran the game at Salute and were concentrating on talking to visitors. So the game was fragmented but we did manage to talk to a lot of people and also finish the game.


Quote from: toxicpixie on 20 April 2015, 12:08:19 PM
Was that the entire three day battle, and if so how long did it take, was it quick to play, and was it fun? And did it produce a result that felt right...

Yes, all three days, played over two evenings. See "Gettysburg - the Final Day" thread.
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.


Duke Speedy of Leighton

Three games of FogR at the weekend: I even won one!
All in period ECW games.
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Quote from: Hertsblue on 28 April 2015, 12:19:01 PM
Yes, all three days, played over two evenings. See "Gettysburg - the Final Day" thread.

Rocking, cheers!
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll - www.facebook.com/jtppainting


Encouraging page; fantasy is not the only game in town.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.