Mars 1889, British 1st Martian division attack the Magellan Valley natives

Started by Luddite, 07 August 2010, 01:10:01 PM

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WOO HOO Luddite  :P  Thanks for posting the rest of your fluff.  Like Nik said, it has given me waaaay to much food for thought on how to build up forces and how could I have forgotten the French!!! 

Okay so what are you using on Venus as the natives- - hmmmm ?

And then in the Space 1889, there are colonies on the Moon too.

Speaking of Colonials, have any of you see the Orcs' Drift rules about colonial expansion in the center of the earth? Yeah, the Earth is hollow after all and all those fairy tales about goblins, orcs, dwarves and elves, etc, were true. They all lived in the hollow Earth, and Victorian Britian found the way in and told the world, now everyone is invading the inside of Earth and having to do battle with all the fantasy people we grew up reading about, not to mention the other Colonial powers wanting land space and resources. Something inside the Earth is very precious on the surface that cures many illnesses and is rumor to prolong life?  The rules were written by Ty Beard, but he never finished the army lists for all the different races, so if you tire of conquest on Mars, Venus or the Moon, then go inside and discover inter world of Earth  8)

But really, Luddite, I agree with Nik, we need more pictures of your wonderful battle reports next time your group plays. And Thank you again for posting your Batrep and your fluff for your world.


I still havent made it out to the barn yet sooo just going on caffeine and memory so be kind  :)

Of course in the Space 1889 world, Venus, is a lush, tropical jungle. Soo the native of Venus were lizard looking soo we could use the Lizardmen range from Pendraken and of course, they had dinosaurs still roaming the jungles - cool dino hunt on Venus  :D

As far as the Moon Men in the Space 1889 world, I dont know, maybe the Gnomes and in the fantasy accessories range AC 20 and AC 22 ??

Could make for some very interesting match ups on those two worlds.

Oh well, probably need to go find some sleep  :o

Steve J


As Blakers says, Venus is a lush jungle world, and a sort of 'forgotton world' thing so Pendraken Lizardmen will be used for the native tribes. 
And of course the local flora and fauna will be as lethal as anything else so lots of dinosaurs, killer plants, etc...

Although i'm still only working on the Martian thatre at the moment, i'm already planning the Venus campaign to have a real 'heart of darkness' Luoisiana bayou feel.

As for the moon?

Well, i've incorporated that too, but as a relatively minor 'staging point' on the ether routes off-world.  It's mostly ignored by the Earthmen, having little noticable value or resources.  It is populated by two warring races; the insectoid Selenites, and the traditional 'Grey' aliens with their flying saucers...

"It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion.  It is by the juice of Typhoo my thoughs acquire speed the teeth acquire stains, the stains serve as a warning.  It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion."

"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules." - Gary Gygax
"Maybe emu trampling created the desert?" - FierceKitty

2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

"I have become inappropriately excited by the thought of a compendium of OOBs." FSN


Howdy Luddite,

Just wondering if most of your battles on Mars and Venus will be 72pt affairs or will you do larger or smaller battles?

I had to go back and look at your last BatRep, it is really inspiring .



Quote from: Blaker on 11 August 2010, 04:33:01 AM
Just wondering if most of your battles on Mars and Venus will be 72pt affairs or will you do larger or smaller battles?

We'll be doing small and indeed larger battles (once i've painted up the reinforcements!!

Currently concentrating of a 30mm Warhammer Fantasy Battle conversion for Hordes of the Things rules at the moment though.

Surprising how much bare GW plastic we all had lying about when we looked!! 

Great figures, unplayable rules... ::)

"It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion.  It is by the juice of Typhoo my thoughs acquire speed the teeth acquire stains, the stains serve as a warning.  It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion."

"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules." - Gary Gygax
"Maybe emu trampling created the desert?" - FierceKitty

2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

"I have become inappropriately excited by the thought of a compendium of OOBs." FSN


Hey Luddite,

We have been playing, what is called on this side of the pond, HotT-Hammer.  There are a big group of players using their old GW minis to play HotT. If you would like more info, shoot me an email off forum  8)


WOW has it almost been a year since we last visited the affairs on Mars and Venus?   :o

Luddite, did you ever get your Venusian Campaign started?  If so, please tell   :D


Not yet Blaker.  I've been doing other projects.

However, 2012 is a new year and you never know!  To be honest its more likely that i'll do a bit more on Mars before moving onto Venus.

Although my 10mm plans at the moment are revolving around trying to sort out my DungeonWorld (stalled for lack of rules, but just yesterday i purchased an old copy of HeroQuest to see if those rules will fit the bill), and i'm also considering the viability of using Pendraken figs for WFB (base sizes as normal but 10mm figs instead of 28mm...) or doing something similar with LotR.  The problem with GW is that their background is so interesting, but their rules tend to suck and their figure prices are utterly insane - especially Failcast.  I'm in the priviledged position of not having to worry too much about money at the moment, but i wouldn't buy GW figs on general principle...they are massively overpriced.  But i do rather want to give WFB a go!

Over the last year though i've been drawn into 15mm Field of Glory tournament play (not a patch on DBM, buts its what the tournaments now use...sigh), 28mm A Very British Civil War (developing my own tactical scale rules for the 'pulp' era), playing LOTS of WWII (in 10mm with Pendraken of course) - mostly in the search for a decent set of rules to kick off our 'Bulge' campaign.  We've also done a fair bot of Force on Force mostly Afghanistan/Iraq in 20mm.  Nice little ruleset with some very difficult 'objective based' tactical gaming challenges.

I've two projects live on the bench at the moment (and several in the queue!), one of which is a 6mm sci fi project (using DRM figs. - wanted to go 10mm but the Pendraken range didn't fit my requirements), and another 'secret squirrel' project that i can't reveal (careless talk cost lives etc.)...

We did do a couple of HotT Mars clashes last years, as well as HotT fantasy (i've built Elves, Dwarves, Orcs and Goblins forces from Pds lovely fantasy range, as well as a 'Rohan' style human force and a 'Medieval' style force of men (converting out my Med German Warmaster Ancients army to something i'll actually use!)

So...busy, busy...

"It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion.  It is by the juice of Typhoo my thoughs acquire speed the teeth acquire stains, the stains serve as a warning.  It is by tea alone i set my mind in motion."

"The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules." - Gary Gygax
"Maybe emu trampling created the desert?" - FierceKitty

2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

"I have become inappropriately excited by the thought of a compendium of OOBs." FSN


No problems Luddite. I just asked because I found your Mars Colonial descriptions I printed out last year out in the barn  whilst looking for something else and oh those memories flooded back. My Mars project, sadly has been put on the back burner due to way to many new shiny things being produced and of course, lacrosse season, and getting ready for the summer school wargaming classes.

Havent seen John Carter yet but its on my to do list, might get inspired to paint up the Colonial Mars stuff  :D

I will be checking back to see how you are doing and maybe I might have some surprises also.

I was thinking that the new Worms in the Dungeon range would work for Desert Walkers in the Martian Red Man lists, or is it suppose to be a machine?



Quote from: Blaker on 23 March 2012, 01:36:46 AM
Havent seen John Carter yet but its on my to do list, might get inspired to paint up the Colonial Mars stuff  :D

Is that the film that's getting a right old panning at the moment ?
Anyone seen it ?....Is it as bad as it's being portrayed ?
Cheers - Phil.


Oooh. Just seen this thread.

To Luddite: very impressive, shame it's on the back burner.

I love Victorian sci-fi. As you say, the first two League of Extraordianry Gentlemen series give you plenty of inspiration, and I would recommend these to anyone to read.

Cheers, Martyn