Skirmishing in 10mm ? (ww2 and post war)

Started by sundaygeneral, 21 November 2014, 07:12:03 PM

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I recently bought some WW2 rules (NUTS) and I'd like to individually base my minis, and play from squad to reinforced platoon level.

I discovered 10mm with fantasy pendraken and Kallistra minis (see the topics I created about my armies), and I really appreciate their quality and price balance, details are often as good as bigger (and more expensive) 15mm scale minis. But for now, I only based my figures on 40x20mm groups bases, I never thought using them for skirmish.

So I made a few google research, but didn't found anything about ww2 (or simply historical) skirmish gaming using 10mm, I only found some fantasy gamers using this scale for this purpose.

Any help and advises will be appreciated. thanks !


Hello Sundaygeneral
The Ambush Alley forum has an area for 10/6 mm wargaming. These rules are mainly skirmish, unfortunately I'm not sure about the nuts rules.
They have orbits as well.
Hope this helps.any more questions don't hesitate to ask.


Thanks, I know AAlley forum, I posted there for my 20mm modern figures ;) Sadly there is not much things about my "problem" there.

I finally found a few pics of single based ww2 pendraken minis, but not so much. Maybe it's not a really good idea !


Sunday General,

You're kidding right?   ;)  I'm your man for individually-based 10mm.  Go down to the "Batreps" section of the forum and look at:
1.  Vietnam Skirmish Campaign (18 battle reports using individually-based Pendraken troops)
2.  Search for "All Americans" (there are 12 or 14 different battle reports, 82nd Airborne in Sicily and Italy, including two under the label "The Last Fifty Yards")
3.  There are a few odds and ends batreps using Chain of Command and KR-16, Brits vs. Germans in NW Europe

Go to the "Non Pendraken Stuff" board and take a look around under my name and you'll find some odds and ends batreps, specifically a few modern games using Minfigs 10mm troops, including my just-started modern French Foreign Legion campaign.

If you have any questions, or there's anything I can help with, please let me know (please don't be put off by my initial smart-a$$ comment, I'm just joking about how many batreps I've posted here on the forum, I don't mean any offense).



Thank you, I'll take a look ! No offense at all ;)

I was a little provocative to obtain some reactions  :D

I'll come back on the topic once I'll read the topics you pointed

thanks again !


Also, look at Ronans batreps:

His site is in french but has english translations

This particular batrep uses the nuts rules.

I also have ww2 skirmish with pendraken, but they are only half painted  :-[


The good news is that I'm french, so I will not have to translate !

thanks !


I took a quick look on all these infos, I'm glad I asked ! I will go for single based historical 10mm ! :D

The good thing is, since I plan to stay on squad to platoon level, that with the budget I planned for WW2, I will be able to buy enough figures to start at least another project, maybe two !

Now I have to find pics of the minis I'm looking for ! Another search engine hunting will begin  ;D


yep skirmish in 10mm is great and doesn't cost too much:)
Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!



Yes, you must look at Ronan's battle reports, he was my inspiration!

You said you're looking for pictures of minis, what are you looking for?  Maybe I can help.



Sunday, ask and you will be answered.

I'm too planning to play some skirmish WWII in 10mm due to the amount of stuff I alreday have for non-skirmish gaming.

I was thinking about Nuts II too. ;)

Can you give us a feed back on the Nuts rules (not he THW system, I know it well) but more on the campaign ? Can I make my players play a platoon of men into a campaign in the streets of Stalingrad for example ?
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Quote from: barbarian on 22 November 2014, 11:39:13 AM
Sunday, ask and you will be answered.

I'm too planning to play some skirmish WWII in 10mm due to the amount of stuff I alreday have for non-skirmish gaming.

I was thinking about Nuts II too. ;)

Can you give us a feed back on the Nuts rules (not he THW system, I know it well) but more on the campaign ? Can I make my players play a platoon of men into a campaign in the streets of Stalingrad for example ?

Sorry but I still did not read the rules for now, and the PDF is not on my laptop (from where I post at night). I'm waiting for my ink delivery to print the book and read it comfortably. But what I can already say is that a Stalingrad addon exists :

Apparently all addons are compatible with NUTS final edition. It's really interesting since these scenario books cover a lot of important battles and campaigns during WW2. As soon as I'll print the book, I'll have a better view on the rules, but tommorow I will take a look on the PDF to try to already answer you.

Quote from: bigjackmac on 22 November 2014, 03:44:06 AM

Yes, you must look at Ronan's battle reports, he was my inspiration!

You said you're looking for pictures of minis, what are you looking for?  Maybe I can help.


Thanks, I posted a specific topic here :,10930.0.html

Some of the figures I'm looking for are directly available in Pendraken range (ww2 german, russian, and indochina). for other ones (algerians, ww2 poles, portuguese and african post war colonials) it will be a bit harder since I'll have to find good proxies to use to represent these minis, not availabe in Pendraken range.

For example, using falklands SLR riflemen for portuguese G3 riflemen (with a bit of customisating, of course), or indochina french for Algerian french (easy). But for some other ones, it will be less obvious (WW2 poles including cavalry mounted/dismounted and Black Legion; algerians an africans supporters of Independence).

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

I have single based stuff, use board game counters, which give enough space and stability for the figures.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


Quote from: bigjackmac on 22 November 2014, 03:44:06 AM
Yes, you must look at Ronan's battle reports, he was my inspiration!(...)

Quote from: petercooman on 21 November 2014, 09:56:06 PM
Also, look at Ronans batreps:(...)

I'm flattered !  :)
( as I said, I didn't have a game for weeks, now  :(  but sometimes I come here on pendraken's forum  to read about you, guys ! ;) )

Yes I use skirmish rules with 10mm minis : Chain of Command, Nuts!, Force on Force (ww2 house rules)
For nuts!, I use small colored washers under the minis to show the "Rep".
I started to game Stalingrad Heroes All, sometimes with Nuts! and sometimes with CoC
for example :  ( and for the campaign : )

I wish you good games !


thank you for the links. It seems that you mix NUTS and chain of command ruleset ? Could you explain your choice a bit ?
