Zvezda Fairey Battle

Started by GrumpyOldMan, 12 November 2014, 12:32:23 AM

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Hello TP

I don't know why you say that an autogyro is beyond the pale for VBCW, they were popular in the 1930s.

Here are some pics of Amelia Earhart with an autogyro in the early 1930s:-


Surely all that is just waiting to be woven into a VBCW and/or Pulp storyline.




Actually, Wiki tells me the RAF used a few dozen, partly for army co-op work and partly in the radar calibration work, so I guess it's a possibility. Wonder if anyone does a 1/144th Cierva C.30/Avro 671 :D

I think the Battle sized one is a bit hopeful (and who chops the worlds foremost light attack bomber into one when they're needed on the front lines?), but the Longbridge Shadow Plant did make them so they'd be a shoe-in for the BUM...
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll - www.facebook.com/jtppainting


Can I sing the praises of the Pendraken Storch ? In service from 1937 until Indo-China with the French made version.  It s a well sculptured and clean cast model and at £4 won't break the bank. I use BKC so spotter and ground attack are really all the aircraft you need unless you like eye candy. 

Steve J

Ah, forgot about the Storch for my German forces! Just added to the list of future purchases.


Hello TP

Quote from: toxicpixie on 13 November 2014, 11:49:19 AM
Wonder if anyone does a 1/144th Cierva C.30/Avro 671 :D

I've attached a paper model I've had on my hard drive for ages. I think it was by 'Kampfflieger', an old free model. Tricky build though as a full paper model. Probably better to replace all the struts with brass rod and the rotors from flashing or similar.

There is a Russian autogyro based on the I16 available from Shapeways:-


and a two seater Japanese job if you like splashing cash:-





Urk, not convinced I'd ever put that paper model together successfully! Very cool though. That Shapeways job looks good though. And there's a nice P-16 and...
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll - www.facebook.com/jtppainting



Quote from: toxicpixie on 13 November 2014, 10:25:37 PM
Urk, not convinced I'd ever put that paper model together successfully! Very cool though. That Shapeways job looks good though. And there's a nice P-16 and...

If you do a search on 'Chaco' you can see a range of interwar aircraft in 1/144. Definitely wallet harming  :D. I've put a HP-50 up but it's not good enough to sell apart from being pricey  :(, I might have a go at a Fury though.




I could spend more money than exists, on stuff from Shapeways. Or Pendraken, or... :D

I'll definitely be getting a Battle though, I reckon!
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll - www.facebook.com/jtppainting


Hello TP

A short clip from British Pathé showing an Avro Autogyro floatplane and it doesn't really need too much water to land:-


This clip of Army Manoeuvres 1935 shows an army autogyro around the 5.30 mark.


I will now move away from my autogyro fixation  :D  :D. Maybe something to try on Shapeways  :).




If an about right sized model turns up in my local store for @£3 I'll get one - if not I doubt it :D
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll - www.facebook.com/jtppainting

Steve J

Some great footage on that newsreel, so thanks for sharing Grumpy. Very tempted to try and find something the right sort of size and look for some conversion work for my ABVW forces :).