Sculpting 10mm

Started by count_zero99uk, 01 August 2010, 04:46:50 PM

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I was just curious<sp> as im looking into having a go at sculpting.  Do you use dollies or armatures for the figures you guys sculpt?  And if its neither what do you do.

Personaly id like to see a how its made style thing showing how you make them im intreged as the 10mm stuff is so small im half conviniced you sculpt them at 54mm and use the shrinkray.

Thanks for your time as always


It's quite a variety really.  Some designers do the whole figure from scratch, the Samurai Apes were all done that way.  Other times they work from very basic dolly figures, which are like the mannequins you see in shop windows.  The most time-efficient is probably the method used for the Napoleonics, and the AWI I believe, where the designer creates a load of 75% finished dollies, which we then cast up and send back for them to finish off.

If any of our designers are about, I'm sure they could give you more info. - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


That would be groovy :)

And i guess every sculpter falls into his own habits.

Thanks :)


As Pendraken will confirm, I'm pretty obsessed with making dollies. Probably driven Dave to distraction at times, especially with the early stuff I did. There's quite a lot of dollies I've done for various projects that have yet to see the light of day.
As Leon says dollies save a lot of time (not that it seems to make me any faster though) something like the AWI range would simply not be feasable without them. Anybody with the figures will be able to spot those that share dollies fairly easily. I dolly anything that is hard to sculpt, like a musket, or that will be needed multiple times, like a tricorn. This helps a huge ammount with consistency in a range.
I had a short post about it on my blog, you can see the same dolly used four times to get variety;


Cool thanks.  I think ill be starting by trying to sculpt some 20mm Zombies for a game me and my mate play (Ambush Z).

Gonna be ordering bits tommorow i think :)