Show: Crisis, Antwerp

Started by Leon, 30 September 2014, 11:38:29 PM

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Yeah was a busy show! Didn't see 3/4 of it as i had to waltz through it (the boy had to play a football game at 2), but it was nice!

Shame you had a bad sale! I really wonder what people come for at the show sometimes, I saw house sets for 350€ a piece !!, while i bought a complete trench set from ironclad for 27, yet the ironclad stand was eerily calm (i was the only one there at that time), while the houses generated a lot of interest.

Looking around it fazed me yet again that people are willing to spend soooo much on 28mm, and some of the prices were absolutely crazy.

We can only hope they see the light and scale down next year  ;)

Steve J

Shame you had a poor show. I've seen other comments about the price of some buildings on sale as well, but if people are prepared to pay these prices...  :o. As a show, I'd love to attend, but I think the cost would be too prohibitive :(.

Ace of Spades

So sorry I couldn't make it this year... then again; I don't think my wallet alone could have made up for the loss... :-\
Hope to be able to attend next year!

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