August Releases

Started by Leon, 01 August 2010, 02:22:02 AM

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06 August 2010, 03:45:48 PM #15 Last Edit: 06 August 2010, 04:02:23 PM by NTM
I really cannot believe people are being put off because a few figures would be leftover from a pack 10 that costs just £1.10  :o
It's not like the 15mm Old Glory stuff in packs on 50 is it?
If you actually look at the organisation of a USMC Battalion the D type first used had 4 SMG's and upto 6 BAR's per platoon. The F type in use from June 44 replaced the SMG's with carbines (now 14 per platoon) and the number of BAR's increased to 9 so there would be very few unused figures anyway.

Sources Bayonetstrength and GHQ websites.

Andy J

Sorry to cause such outrage - just don't like unused/never to be used stuff lying about - and it's not really worth eBaying a few 10mm figs is it - noone's going to want extras - there was too many in the pack to begin with  :D

Fair point about USMC organsation, which was I'm sure you'll agree very unique to WW2 orgs and specific to the circumstances of the combat they were in.  I was making a more general point as to WW2 platoon organisation and responding to the original question which was people's views on the pack structure.


Quote from: Leon on 01 August 2010, 02:19:46 PM
(...) Or alternatively, I'm going to create a useful items section.

I agree (with pictures of these items, because sometimes it's difficult to understand what's behind the name, as we're not fluency reading/writing english)  ;)

Jim Ando

A pack is only a quid and a bit

and this puts you off starting  a new period coz you have to buy a whole pack of snipers

tight wad.



With a little bit of imagination you should be able to use duplicate figures in a number of different armies. US Army in the ETO of course, French Indo China, Korea, Vietnam, the sniper could probably be used in any number of armies from the 1940's on. If that doesn't help well you should probably stick to 28mm or any scale where you can buy single figures  :P 


This is a good point - I've got a *great* 10mm bits box full of useful goodies which get used across all kinds of armies. There's a German NCO with MP40 in my US Gulf War battlegroup, for example, lurking on a command stand as I was a 'proper' figure short...see if you can spot him here:

Tell you what - in a gesture of supreme self-sacrifice, if anyone's got spares going to waste, send them to me & I'll 'adopt' them for you.  ;D

My favourite 'generic' figure (so far) is the NVA in bush hat with AK (VC2) - I've got him in these armies (so far):
- VC
- Balkans Serbs
- Soviet (Afghanistan)

Sean Clark

Good point. One of the beauties of this scale is that on stands of 3-4 figures, the odd slightly out of period figure, so long as he looks about right, works well.

Nik, no I can't spot him. But I do spot  your superb collection of figures  that has led to me dribbling all over my keyboard. I'm going to get one of the bibs we've bought for bambino and wear that from now on when ever looking at your site.   :o

Perhaps you need a warning on your home page  "...drooling is bad for your keyboard"  :-*

God's Own Scale podcast


Think I've spotted him.

1st of the HQ M113 Dragon pictures the figure front right is a GR2 I believe.

Do I get a prize.  ;)


Quote from: salagam on 10 August 2010, 11:15:04 AM
Nik, no I can't spot him. But I do spot  your superb collection of figures  that has led to me dribbling all over my keyboard. I'm going to get one of the bibs we've bought for bambino and wear that from now on when ever looking at your site.   :o

Perhaps you need a warning on your home page  "...drooling is bad for your keyboard"  :-*

QuoteThink I've spotted him.

1st of the HQ M113 Dragon pictures the figure front right is a GR2 I believe.

Do I get a prize

Yep - I'll send you one for your next modern US project - it is called the Fritz helmet after all  :P



Thanks for the offer but I have a few leftover from a pack already.
Might have to buy some modern US figures to go with them.


That's the sign of a true wargamer: I've got a few figures left over - so I'll build an entirely new army around them  8)


Quote from: Nosher on 01 August 2010, 07:47:48 AM
These look lovely ;D

But one small gripe is that why packs of 10 single figures of the same pose? I just cant see myself needing 10 snipers. Would it make more sense to offer command packs of 5 figures - Officer, radio op, NCO firing thompson, team leader and a rifleman.

'Tight wad' is something I'm quite proud of being a Yorkshireman ;)

In fact copper wire was invented by my grandfather when he was fighting over a tuppeny bit with the next door neighbour. there's also legend in my family that my dad is so astute at hearing coins dropping to the floor that he frequently gets hit on the back of the neck with five pence pieces ;D

I still stand by my original quote though - although its only a £ a pack, and I might one day have use for 9 spare snipers, I still think it makes sense to have command packs of 5 command style figures duplicated twice in pack. This does seem to be a change in the way PD packs are made up most likely because of new releases.

Thinking ahead to the next arguement on this topic - no I wouldn't buy five packs of five seperate figure codes to make up 5 different command stands. I dont often ever have need for so many command units.

Poster - Sits back, pulls on 'tin-pisser' and waits for the incoming :o
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson

Andy J

Nosher - I'm with you mate - why pay out for more than you need or want - that's not tight it's just sense. 

Fair point made that you can use some duplicates to add some variety in existing forces (if done carefully of course).



Fair point about the packs previously having 2 poses.
Having said that are there any alternatives which would be more cost effective and less wasteful of figures?
This is one of those things where you cannot please everybody, in 15mm there are several manufacturers offering Platoon packs great if you are doing 1:1 but not ideal for BKC/BFWWII/CD or similar (I have seen people moan about this on other fora). In 10mm the various different manufacturers all seem to offer different size/style packs. For me Pendraken offer best value as 1 they offer smaller packs and 2 their cost per figure is the lowest out there. To me I don't mind having a handful of figures left over if it was going to cost more to go elsewhere to get the exact amount required. Pay less get more makes sense to me. In the end though you pays your money you make your choice.



SYW French in turnbacks didnt make it  :(
And they could be used for so many stuff : French later infantry, foreign infantry on French pay, Gardes Francais, various volontaires "klaine krieg" units,
dismounted dragoons, Compaignes Francais de la Marine.....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  =)