August Releases

Started by Leon, 01 August 2010, 02:22:02 AM

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01 August 2010, 02:22:02 AM Last Edit: 01 August 2010, 02:14:50 PM by Leon
Here's our August releases!  Mostly additions to the WWII US Marines this month, but there's also the Vietnam American figure (converted by Derek H) and a very useful Chevaux de Frise.  We've put this last one in the Ottoman Turk range, but this item can be used all the way from Medievals through to the American Civil War.  There were even some used in WWI!

And finally, we've some new additions to our Basing and Scenery Materials, which have been supplied to us by Realistic Modelling.  They've got a wide range of terrain and scenery, plus a painting service, so check them out at:

Let us know your thoughts!   8)

MC4   NCO firing Thompson, jacket tucked in (10)      Â£1.10
MC5   Wading ashore (10)            Â£1.10
MC6   Officer, pointing, carbine, gaiters (10)      Â£1.10
MC7   BAR gunner, prone (10)            Â£1.10
MC8   60mm mortar with crew (3)         Â£1.10
MC9   82mm mortar with crew (3)         Â£1.10

MC10   Team leader/spotter, handi-talki, carbine (10)   Â£1.10
MC11   Senior officer, utility cap, holding handset (10)   Â£1.10
MC12   RTO & SC300 radio (10)            Â£1.10
MC13   Sniper, prone, scrim, Springfield M1903 rifle (10)   Â£1.10
MC14   Casualty    (10)               Â£1.10
MC15   105mm field gun with crew (1)         Â£1.10
MC16   75mm pack Howitzer with crew (2)         Â£1.10

Ottoman Turk -
OT19   Chevaux de frise (3)            Â£1.10

Vietnam American -
V8   Infantry, standing, helmet, M60 (10)      Â£1.10

Textures -
PNTX1   Fine texture, summer green, 25g         Â£2.10

Static Grass -
PNSG1   1-2mm, grassland green, 25g         Â£2.30 - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!

Steve J

Really nice USMC stuff 8). I was looking at the BKC list for these and with the lovely new figures I think they will be going on my Xmas list.


These look lovely ;D

But one small gripe is that why packs of 10 single figures of the same pose? I just cant see myself needing 10 snipers. Would it make more sense to offer command packs of 5 figures - Officer, radio op, NCO firing thompson, team leader and a rifleman.
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson


Those MArines are great - the Pacific theatre is looking more and more tempting! Damn you Pendraken!  :D


Yep - my resistance to the Pacific is evaporating rapidly...Good to see static grass as well  8)

Shouldn't it be BAR gunner though?


Quote from: nikharwood on 01 August 2010, 08:29:12 AMShouldn't it be BAR gunner though?

I bet Leon was watching the Golf at the time :)

Dazza's 10mm Miniature Armies :
" AWI, Colonial, WW2 & Vietnam"

AWI Photos :,560.0.html

Never argue with an idiot; He'll drag you down to his level and beat you by experience.


You should mention the chevaux de friese under Poles, too. They used them a lot, didn't they?
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.

Steve J

I'm glad I'm not the only on being tempted by the USMC range :). Nik, KD, looks like the Pacific could be a subject for next years Colours table ;).



Quote from: Nosher on 01 August 2010, 07:47:48 AM
These look lovely ;D

But one small gripe is that why packs of 10 single figures of the same pose? I just cant see myself needing 10 snipers. Would it make more sense to offer command packs of 5 figures - Officer, radio op, NCO firing thompson, team leader and a rifleman.

Possibly something we could look at?  It's only a £ though, and you might need spares!

Quote from: nikharwood on 01 August 2010, 08:29:12 AM
Shouldn't it be BAR gunner though?

Yep, I'm putting the blame on the designer for that one, it was 3am and I was just copying from his list!

Quote from: FierceKitty on 01 August 2010, 10:09:27 AM
You should mention the chevaux de friese under Poles, too. They used them a lot, didn't they?

I'll be looking at duplicating this code for all the different ranges it's useful for.  Or alternatively, I'm going to create a useful items section. - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!


just an opinion: I do not like too much duplicate references. I would prefre a section of items or accesories

Dave Fielder

"Those MArines are great" ...

.... but I know some others  ;D
Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis


01 August 2010, 09:11:43 PM #12 Last Edit: 01 August 2010, 09:47:56 PM by lentulus
Quote from: FierceKitty on 01 August 2010, 10:09:27 AM
You should mention the chevaux de friese under Poles, too. They used them a lot, didn't they?

Used in the American Civil War for that matter.  I like the idea of the "really useful codes" section.


Thank you for the standing M60 guy. I just bought a pack along with some other items to flesh out some nice forces for Vietnam.

Andy J

I agree that 10 of one type of pose in a pack is too much for me.  Looking at a lot of orbats where most WW2 armies only had 1 SMG and 1 LMG per squad you'd be looking at a fairly large force to be able to use all 10 of your figures - full company size at least which is a lot of rifleman to go with it to balance it out!!!  For me it's not so much the cost that puts me off - I just don't like having a lot of unused figures about!!! 
To be honest the way some ranges (not just Pendraken) are packaged/sold has put me off starting some periods.
Just my two penneth...