WSS Spanish Dragoons - any suitable figues

Started by Hwiccee, 19 September 2014, 02:29:30 PM

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Hi all,

Does anyone know any Pendraken figures which are close to the Spanish dragoons in Marlborough's war.

Here are some pictures -

The main thing I am looking for is something like the hat. I am willing to do a bit of 'customisiing' on the details.

Any thoughts?



Just checked the boxes for my 10mm VnB Ramillies set up. I put it together a good few years ago, but it does contain two lots of Spanish Dragoons. Looking closely at the figures I reckon they are Old Pendraken, (They have the same galloping horse as the 1866 Saxon Reiters). So probably from either the Old WSS range, or the Old League of Augsburg range.  Perhaps the all-seeing Leon could lend a hand!?   :-\

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Nothing jumps out from the current range unfortunately.  Dave thinks the SYB25 Horse grenadiers would be the closest match, apart from the turnbacks. - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Depending on how many you want, you might have a word with Techno (Phil), who does special conversions of Pendraken figures for production. It's what I did to get Russian Horse Grenadiers. Be advised, however, that it is not a rapid process.
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Thanks for the replies guys.

I don't think it is worth a special figure. The Spanish army is not a popular WSS army and the dragoons are only 10-20% of the cavalry.

I think you are right and I will try 'converting' the British Horse Grenadiers. I don't think the turnbacks will be a problem (I got rid of these when I converted some to Russian GNW horse grens) but the hat might need a bit.

I will give it a go :)

Tanks again.