Mongols now available!

Started by Leon, 09 June 2014, 02:20:19 AM

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09 June 2014, 02:20:19 AM Last Edit: 29 August 2014, 11:33:25 PM by Leon
These have been up on the website for a while now, but we've just added all of the pictures as well, so it's time for a proper release!

Among these 20 codes we've got light, medium and heavy cavalry, each in bow, sword or lance variations, plus both mounted and foot command figures, foot bowmen, civilians and more.  We've even got some Yurts to give your tired troops somewhere to rest up after a busy day expanding the empire!  For those looking to dive straight in, we've put together a couple of army packs as well, each one containing a handy mix of horse and foot to get your conquests started.

This range was brought into production thanks to the members of the Pendraken Forum, using a non-Kickstarter method of pledges/rewards.  This proved to be an interesting experience and something we'll be looking at doing again in the future.

Mongols -
(all packs £4.50 unless otherwise shown.)
MON1 - Light cavalry, with bow (3 poses)
MON2 - Light cavalry, with sword and bow (2 poses)
MON3 - Light cavalry, with lance and bow (2 poses)
MON4 - Medium cavalry, with bow (3 poses)
MON5 - Medium cavalry, with sword and bow (2 poses)
MON6 - Medium cavalry, with lance and bow (2 poses)
MON7 - Heavy cavalry, with bow (3 poses)
MON8 - Heavy cavalry, with sword and bow (2 poses)
MON9 - Heavy cavalry, with lance and bow (2 poses)
MON10 - Cavalry command (5-6 mixed poses, including camel drummer)
MON11 - Dismounted cavalry, with bow (3 poses)
MON12 - Camp followers + pack horses (4 poses + horse)
MON13 - Genghis Khan + generals (3 figures)     £1.00
MON14 - Yurts (3) - A pack of 3 different Yurts!     £5.00
MON15 - Keshik bodyguard (2 poses)     £2.50
MON16 - Dismounted command (3 poses)
MON17 - Civilians (5 poses)
MON18 - Small yurts (3)     £3.00
MON19 - Medium yurts (2)     £3.00
MON20 - Large yurt (1)     £3.00

Conquest Army Pack - £28.00
45 x Light cavalry, 30 x Medium cavalry, 15 x Heavy cavalry, 1 x MON10, 1 x General.

Tribal Army Pack - £28.00
45 x Light cavalry, 15 x Medium cavalry, 15 x Heavy cavalry, 1 x MON10, 1 x General and 30 mixed foot.

And some pics:

MON1 - Light cavalry with bow:

MON5 - Medium cavalry with sword:

MON9 - Heavy cavalry with lance:

MON10 - Mounted command:

MON14 - Yurts (3 sizes):

We hope you like them!

8) - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!

Dave Fielder

Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis


Coo !
That looks like a particularly spiffy horde, Dave !! :-bd
Cheers - Phil.

Dave Fielder

You can blame Non-kick starter for that ...
Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis


I don't see any Mongolian cataphracts...What am I overlooking?
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Quote from: FierceKitty on 07 July 2014, 02:39:47 PM
I don't see any Mongolian cataphracts...What am I overlooking?

Where Mongols are concerned, probably overlooking the wrong hill!  :)

This could be another memory jog for Leon as a few people have already commented on the lack of armoured horses.

My effort was here:,10205.0.html

and Leon says it's on the request list. Hopefully you have increased the votes by one.
Blog is at

2017 Paint-Off - Winner!


Not promising to buy any, though maybe I'll decide my Chinese need some more barbarian troops to show them how to fight. Mongol armies don't do it for me; don't work in some rules, and unbeatable in others.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Quote from: FierceKitty on 07 July 2014, 03:09:02 PM
...don't work in some rules, and unbeatable in others...

There's your problem in a nutshell.

Over the decades I've yet to find a set of workable rules so about six or seven years ago I decided to write my own...still writing but they are getting closer to being usable at a playtest stage.
Blog is at

2017 Paint-Off - Winner!

Dave Fielder

Haven't played them yet so still to comment. Suspect I'll need a big table to allow them to move a lot around some hapless infantry mob.
Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis


We are currently trying out Battles for Empire 2 with opposing Mongol forces - currently 15mm but if it works then 10mm

1st test we used a 12 by 4 table which highlighted the need for a deeper table either that or reduce the moves from 18" to 9"

Second test is tonight

We've included Shaman and deployment cards along the lines of Principles of War