Addicted? Moi?

Started by Plasticoutsider, 09 June 2014, 08:30:38 PM

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Quote from: FierceKitty on 10 June 2014, 11:00:15 AM
Funny you should mention naval. I seem to have developed an annoying itch about my middle midriff during my time in Hanoi.



Quote from: Dour Puritan on 09 June 2014, 09:51:39 PM
I have tried DBA on 60mm frontage bases on a 4'square table. It works remarkably well and the twelve elements actually look like armies. Bloody Barons is an excellent set of rules. I see no reason why they would not work with DBA frontages, as both sides would be based the same. Each battle becomes part of a mini-campaign - you cannot guarantee who has made it to the battle. Furthermore all the main battles of the WOR are presented as BB scenarios at the back of the book.

Bloody Barons & Peter Pigs "mini-campaign" pre-game sequence - that's a feature of the PP games I *really* like (usually). No battle is fought in isolation,and they all add some real period flavour. The BB one is particularly good, I think, and I did like the original AK-47 version. Some of them have got a bit unwieldy though. New AK or the ECW one are too long winded for the game, IMO.

"Big Base" DBA is also nice, but these days I prefer a bit more granularity in casualties so I'd give Basic Impetus a pip higher score ;)
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll -


Well, DBA just arrived, and I read Basic Impetus last night.
It's all go.
I'll give both a try.
I now need to buy a load of reference material on The Wars of the Roses.
Get in.


Good stuff, crack on, crack on, play the game!

I like both tbh :)
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll -


Quote from: toxicpixie on 10 June 2014, 08:19:50 PM
Good stuff, crack on, crack on, play the game!

Once my Pendraken order arrives, and I get 2 armies painted, I'll press gang someone into trying DBA with me, and report back.  I made a slight tactical error though, I jumped in with 2 feet (as I always do) and ordered figures based on the 1st edition army list.  Version 2.2 of DBA arrived today and I notice the lists are quite different.  Bot.

Steve J

DBA does give nice, quick and fun games IMHO. Perfect for when you don't have time to set up big battles. Also not having to put your back out manouevering your troops across as 6'x4' table is also a bonus :D.


Can't wait to get started.  Do people think I'll be okay using first edition army lists with second edition rules?  I shouldn't have ordered the figures before buying the rules. 


Are they not both basically bows or blade in the main? Can imagine there's a lot of difference?
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll -


Hi, this probably doesn't constitute much of a problem at all, but I've never played DBA before:

1st ed. Wars of the Roses - 3 3Kn/ 4Bd (men-at-arms), 3 4Bd (billmen), 3 4Lb, 2 4Bd or 4Bw or 3Ax, 1 Art or 2 Ps
2nd ed. - 1 3Kn or 4Bd (Gen), 1 3Kn or 3 Cv or 4Bd, 3 4 Bd, 6 3/4Lb, 1 Art or 3Sp

I'll probably stick with 1st ed army lists since the figures are on the way, it's a bit frustrating though.  Actually, in the great scheme of things, no it isn't!


If it's only you playing, PO, it doesn't really matter, does it? Medieval armies weren't made up of fixed quantities of standard units, but of whoever was available at the time. The army lists of either edition are only an average of an average of several battles, so choose whichever pleases you.
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.


Quote from: Plasticoutsider on 11 June 2014, 06:15:11 PM
Hi, this probably doesn't constitute much of a problem at all, but I've never played DBA before:

1st ed. Wars of the Roses - 3 3Kn/ 4Bd (men-at-arms), 3 4Bd (billmen), 3 4Lb, 2 4Bd or 4Bw or 3Ax, 1 Art or 2 Ps
2nd ed. - 1 3Kn or 4Bd (Gen), 1 3Kn or 3 Cv or 4Bd, 3 4 Bd, 6 3/4Lb, 1 Art or 3Sp

I'll probably stick with 1st ed army lists since the figures are on the way, it's a bit frustrating though.  Actually, in the great scheme of things, no it isn't!

So... 1st ed. can have an extra Knight, and has the possibility of one less Bow but a really useful amount of light troops (2 Aux & a Psi), but the 2nd Ed has more Bow and a Spear or Cav stand if you wanted. Not a massive difference - in practice they always tend to up about a 50/50 Bow/Blade split with a couple of Knights in my experience :D

As Herstblue says, it's your game anyway, so set them up how you like :D
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll -


Thanks both!
Not knowing the system, I wondered if the army lists were rigid (given the amount of space they take up in the rule book, and the abstract nature of having 12 bases in in each army).  Sounds like they're not though, so I'll go ahead and be my usual fluid self.

Can't wait to get painting.  I get my orders sent to the university were I work, so I'm starting to take a huge interest in the internal post...


Well, technically they're set in stone but tbh with the WoR lists there's not a lot of difference and you can set up basically the same army... if you were playing in some hypercompetitive "rules as written ONLY" environment you find it a bit awkward, but DBA itself won't give you a problem :D
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll -


Let's face it, playing DBA is like playing Beethoven's fifth on a child's xylophone - you can just about manage the basic theme. But it's fun and it's fast and if you roll poor dice you lose. Bitter? moi?
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.


So, like, if I roll well I might win?  Sounds like my kind of game!!! 
I read the rules last night; they're somewhat challenging
'[...] or mounted in close combat with enemy in, bad going on or off-road, or if mounted attacking a BUA unless elephants.' P.26
It reminds me of the shipping forecast!