10mm WW2 Tank decals?

Started by chortle, 04 January 2013, 06:21:09 AM

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I've painted up a Russian BKC army. The figures, and especially the vehicles, are lovely. I can't praise them enough. The decals worked really well. They come off easily and slide on nicely. Compared to other decals, these I-94 decals, bought through Pendraken, are a joy to use.

I painted up a German army, vehicles only so far, and again they have impressed me. Now I come to put on the decals and found that the I-94 German decals (which are only 1/285) are too small. At least they are too small for the Panther turret. So I got them off before they set.

What else to use? I found this company who sell 1/160th transfers


The decal sheets are here:

Has anyone tried the British or US decals? I'm going to order some decals from "Scale Specialties Products" and wonder if I need to replace/add to my I-94 decal sheets.

Leon - you might want to look at stocking these SSP sheets. I will let you know how they work out.

Once again - Soooooo impressed with the vehicles.


I've used the Scalel Specialties decals before. The British NW Europe sheet is really good, loads of markings. The only problem with it is that it dosen't have many divisional markings while it has loads of regimental ones and white stars.

Their British Desert one is less good, it only has fewer markings, and only a few for each formation.
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Which I-94 decals did you get? Minibits has a large selection, and there are several sheets that should be good for German turret numbers in 10mm scale?

I-94 Decals/Transfers | 1:150 / 10/12mm Armour | NB-101 AFV Numbers. Black outline, clear center. Number sets for 100-935; 100-105 & R01-05 [1:150-1:100]

The same can be had in various other colour combinations.


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Aander lu bin óók lu.


LOL Ive just replied to your TMP thread Chortle! Ive ued the SS ones on my my Panthers and Tigers and while I admit I am no expert, they look ok to me.


Can I ask the members to have a gander at these 1/144 sheets, from Japan, which someone auctions on ebay




Those look the biz to me.  How do 1/144 transfers do on Pendraken vehicles? A bit too big, or OK?

OldenBUA - I bought the transfers from Pendraken - whichever ones are listed for German vehicle numbers. They are 1/285th. They may be perfect for some vehicles, like armoured cars.


05 January 2013, 09:04:09 AM #5 Last Edit: 05 January 2013, 09:17:40 AM by OldenBUA
Those sheets look very nice indeed as they include all markings. Some of the smaller markings could be a bit fiddly, but still a very good find. Pendraken vehicles are scaled to 1:150, so a bit smaller than 1:144. But close enough for these decals to work, I would say.

As to my original question, all the decals have now been moved over to the Minibits site, I think. On this there are several ranges, including one for 1:285 (6mm) vehicles and another for 1:150 (10/12mm). (There are also ranges for 15 and 20mm). The 6mm ones would be too small, but the 10/12mm ones should work fine.
Water is indeed the essential ingredient of life, because without water you can't make coffee!

Aander lu bin óók lu.


Very difficult to tell "off the page". They look OK - but you never know if they'll work properly until you actually use them. Some good-looking decals I've acquired over the years have been an absolute pig to position and settle. Some tear very easily. You can only find out by using them.
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