'First Look' at the new League of Augsburg range!

Started by clibinarium, 23 March 2011, 01:01:24 AM

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Jim Ando


This has the makings of the best range of figures yet.

However before I jump in how many more codes in this range are left to be released.

Hope there are some advancing with plug bayonet figures to come.



A conjunction of the planets this week saw me completing my Sudan 1883-5 project, a win of £75 on the Premium Bonds, and spotting this new range. Looks like fate has lined up a fascinating new period........ 8)


Quote from: Jim Ando on 03 May 2013, 10:20:02 PM
However before I jump in how many more codes in this range are left to be released.

I'd imagine quite a few, but Clib's the man with the plan on that!
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I got the cavalry opened. Looked. Then had a sex wee in my trousers. They are PROPER mint. The cavalry command. The officer in there is one of the best 10mm figs I've seen. EVER.



This is just so unfair.... what with Phil... Martin... and now you... Clib  This is a blatant conspiracy to empty my bank account. Those figures are beautiful. :-B
all the best


 ;D ;D Yes a bit too much info, i have just about finished my pack and i must admit they made me smile but that's all i'm admitting to  ;D.
Will try and get a pic on over the weekend,

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Steve J

QuoteI'd imagine quite a few, but Clib's the man with the plan on that!

As I'm thinking of using some of the LoA range for my ImagiNations forces, would it be possible to get an idea of roughly what is yet to come in this range Clib? Any info would be greatly appreciated :).

Aart Brouwer

Quote from: Alan on 20 May 2013, 07:35:07 PM
I got the cavalry opened. Looked. Then had a sex wee in my trousers. They are PROPER mint. The cavalry command. The officer in there is one of the best 10mm figs I've seen. EVER.

Seconded, bar the wee thingamy. These are the best 10 mil figures I've seen so far. Ever. The models are detailed, the poses are lifelike and energetic, the variation is great. I just received my first LoA cavalry order and I'm happy as a kid.

Aart (<-1 happy as a kid  >:<)
Sadly no longer with us - RIP (1958-2013)

"No, I do not have Orcs, Riders of Rohan, Dark Elves, Skaven, Kroot Mercenaries Battle Tech, HeroClix, Gangs of Mega-City One or many-horned f****** genetic-mechanoid arse-faced pigmen from the Purple Pustule of Tharg T bloody M." (Harry Pearson, Achtung Schweinehund!)


I've just got my order with new LoA figures (cavalry and artillery). Poses are nice and sculpts are simply saying superb.
Just one suggestion: please, consider a bit shorter hair. Not all soldiers in this war were wild Irishmen  ;)
I've gave up with the botton holes. IMO they make painting figures more difficult. I would like to se figures without buttons nor holes, but I understand that standards were set to do them with holes.  :(

One more question. An artillery crewman (picture attached), what does he hold ?

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The Artillery figure has a short lintstock, as seen in this picture. The other similar figure carries the longer version.



wargaming in 10mm

2015 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Any work when we might see the lovely tricorn versions of the cav, curiassiers and german/austrian helmet cuirassiers, almost at that stage for my Marlburians and figure why not wait!!

Cheers Rex


I have now jumped feet first into this line and have many hundreds of figures sitting in little piles before me.  However, there is one thing missing, generals.  Any chance we will get some general types soon?  Overall, this is an absolutely brilliant range of figures.  The detail is really incredible for the size.


Some new cavalry on the way, firstly the existing packs of attacking cavalry with swords and pistols have been rejigged to have swords on waist belts rather than cross belts, which makes them more suitable for French cavalry (to this end they also have a small epaulette on the right shoulder, which can be scraped off if not wanted.

More importantly there's new cuirassiers and command, in breast and back plate and German style pot helmets, best suited to Austrian heavies, useful for Bavarians too. Also usable for the Earl of Oxford's horse, though the helmet style is slightly different. Once they are cast they will be refitted with hats rather than helmets to give more heavy horse.