The North Yorkshire Leg of the 2019 GBnUIT

Started by Terry37, 28 October 2019, 07:46:00 PM

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The North Yorkshire Leg of the 2019 Good, Bad and Ugly International HOTT Tournament was held October 20th, coordinated and hosted by Bob Carter.

The Host and the Players: Back row:  The Ugly:  Bob Carter (Leg Coordinator), the Bad: Steve Whalley, John Hewison and Graham Cummings. Front row:  The Good: Gus Shaw, Dave French and Tom Hutchinson.

The venue, a very friendly and comfortable arrangement.

The Armies as follows:

The Good:
Gus Shaw – 'Garden Wars' Garden Gnomes (Peter Pig figures)
Dave French – Time Bandits (Airfix figures from a number of historical ranges)
Tom Hutchinson – Napoleonic Semi-Historical

The Bad:
Steve Whalley – '68 (US in Vietnam themed)
John Hewison – Dungeons and Dragons (Just what says on the tin)
Graham Cummings – Frost Bites (Christmas themed)

The game is afoot!!!

And the winner is.....

The competition winner was Graham Cummings and received the prestigious North Yorkshire Leg Trophy.

Bob as always puts on a truly excellent Leg for this tournament – thanks Bob!!! If you're interested, there is always next year!!!


"My heart has joined the thousand for a friend stopped running today." Mr. Richard Adams

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
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Lord Lensman of Wellington
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Thanks for the report, Bob.
Hope you had a great day.....the GBnU International Tournament is a grand idea.....👍👍👍
