Sword and Buckler men

Started by Nick the Lemming, 07 September 2016, 02:32:49 AM

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Nick the Lemming

Are there any other suitable figures out there for sword and buckler men other than the one figure in the Elizabethan range? I like variety in my units where possible, the more poses the better. Are there any command figures, for example, that might look the part with the addition of a buckler? If not, are there any other manufacturers that do 10mm sword and buckler men (preferably not in huge packs) and are almost as good quality as Pendraken?


I've been down this road and that is about it. MM have a late medieval Italian swordsman with shield, but he just doesn't look right for the Italian Wars. There appears to be quite a big gap in sword and buckler and mounted arquebus - two essential figures for the Italian Wars. Strange when Irregular have two 6mm codes for sword and buckler men, both suitable for the Italian Wars.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!

Nick the Lemming

Yeah, that's a shame. :/

At least for mounted arquebusiers we can clip off the ends of mounted crossbowmen and make them look more like arquebusiers that way.


Nick I've been through this also. Have checked Pendraken, Minifigs, MM, OG and Irregular. No joy. Everybody does ECW/TYM but no vast ranges of Elizabethian. For what ever it's worth I use a leather punch to make card stock targets for 17th century highlanders and stick them on various figures with great abandon. Good luck with this. If you run on to a solution please post!  :)
Encumbered by Idjits, we pressed on

Nick the Lemming

Quote from: d_Guy on 07 September 2016, 02:35:09 PM
Nick I've been through this also. Have checked Pendraken, Minifigs, MM, OG and Irregular. No joy. Everybody does ECW/TYM but no vast ranges of Elizabethian. For what ever it's worth I use a leather punch to make card stock targets for 17th century highlanders and stick them on various figures with great abandon. Good luck with this. If you run on to a solution please post!  :)


That's why I was asking if there were any command figures with swords that might be worth adapting with the addition of a small shield made of air drying clay or whatever. I guess I could always bulk out the units with a morion-wearing pikeman as a flag bearer too.


A couple of hard to get options:
GW Warmaster Empire skirmishers - some of these would work, some are a rather odd mix of eras in their dress

Obelisk Spanish Rodeleros - might be a little late in appearance, and are probably a bit big (more 12mm than 10mm)
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My wife's creations: Jewellery and decorations with sparkle and shine at http://www.Etsy.com/uk/shop/ISCHIOCrafts

Nick the Lemming

Thanks, never heard of Obelisk before. Any chance of any comparison pics?


You'll be lucky to get any action from Obelisk; the owner has had critical health issues. Try anyway, since he might be back on his feet, and the figures are lovely (I've got his Incas).
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Obelisk miniatures site is still up but you can't buy anything from it.

Black Cat did produce them under licence but found they didn't sell in big enough quantities, especially the 10mm, to keep the original owner happy so stopped (by chance I  emailed them yesterday about other Obelisk figures.)

The Obelisk stuff was beautiful but barely promoted and the very small ranges of fairly niche figures probably didn't help. Was looking for his C19th Chinese civilians for a possible "Deadwood" campaign, if we can agree what rules to use!! :)

Not the most user friendly site in navigation terms either IMHO but there is a tiny British flag you can click to get the English language version of the site, if your German isn't up to it. Go here to see what you missed:

There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


Thanks for that link, Ithoriel.

As you said a very niche range (and no threat to our gracious hosts here). The shied and buckler men look to be perfect for the application discussed here. Have sent email just in case.
Encumbered by Idjits, we pressed on

Nick the Lemming

Quote from: d_Guy on 08 September 2016, 02:41:53 PM
Thanks for that link, Ithoriel.

As you said a very niche range (and no threat to our gracious hosts here). The shied and buckler men look to be perfect for the application discussed here. Have sent email just in case.

Let us know what you hear. I'd be interested in a pack of sword and bucklermen.


08 September 2016, 04:27:20 PM #11 Last Edit: 08 September 2016, 04:37:44 PM by fred.
I got my Obelsik figures in Feb this year through Tsuba minis in Germany http://tsuba-miniatures.blogspot.co.uk

They don't have them listed, but have the Obelsik 28mm stuff listed. He had stock of the 10mm figures but wasn't sure if he was going to get more cast up. Worth dropping them an email. H

I'll take some comparison figures later because they are fairly big compared with PD
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My wife's creations: Jewellery and decorations with sparkle and shine at http://www.Etsy.com/uk/shop/ISCHIOCrafts


Thanks Fred!
Have sent email there also

Will report back on responses
Encumbered by Idjits, we pressed on


Pendraken on the left, Obelisk on the right

2011 Painting Competition - Winner!
2012 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up
2016 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2017 Paint-Off - 3 x Winner!

My wife's creations: Jewellery and decorations with sparkle and shine at http://www.Etsy.com/uk/shop/ISCHIOCrafts

Nick the Lemming

Wow, yeah they are quite a big bigger aren't they?

Thanks for doing the pic.